In my message last week titled “The Only Disability in Life is a Bad Attitude,” I mentioned that I recently ordered Vic Johnson’s book “52 Mondays: The One Year Path To Outrageous Success and Lifelong Happiness.” That book is having a profound impact on my thinking and is leading to massive action.
Archive | Leverage
RSS feed for this sectionThe First Day of Christmas – TIME For What’s Important
Welcome to “The First Day of Christmas – TIME For What’s Important.” In yesterday’s email, I mentioned that today is the official launch day for “The 12 Days of Christmas,” my Christmas gift to you and the world. This IDEA was inspired by the Holy Spirit while I was journaling during my Sacred Time on […]
Sunday Inspiration: Transformation Truth #1 – Either You’re Moving Forward, or Not
Brendon Burchard is the founder of the Experts Academy and author of Life’s Golden Ticket. He is one of the most inspiring thought leaders I know and he’s having a huge impact on how I think and my business success. Brendon’s life motto is “Live, Love, Matter” and he says at the end of your […]
7 Simple Strategies to Grow YOUR Business or Ministry
Are you looking for Wisdom, Understanding, and Revelation in every area of your life? If so, I invite you to my free webinar at 8 pm EST on Wednesday November 10, 2010 called “7 Simple Strategies to Grow YOUR Business or Ministry.”
When you change your thinking, you change your life! If I could show you how to reach more people (lots more people) with less effort to share your stories, products, and services with the world, would you be interested? If so, keep reading. Let me ask YOU, yes you, 3 life-changing, world-changing questions:
Day #1 of 30 Days to Breakthrough – Redeeming The Time
Welcome to Day #1 of your “30 Days To Breakthrough” journey. When you change your thinking, you change your life. For the next 7 days, we’ll be addressing the issue of Stewarding Your TIME. Today’s topic is “Redeeming The Time.” But what does it mean to redeem the time? Why is it so important to […]
What do you want for Christmas more than anything else? What is your greatest heart’s desire? Sometimes you don’t even know what that one thing is that would bring you total fulfillment, but guess what… God knows. He knows because He planted it in your heart before the foundation of the world. What could that […]
The Bellows of God
Is is really possible to see a 30, 60, or even 100 fold increase in impact (and profits) in just one year? I believe so – by multiplying the gifts God has blessed us with in others. Let me share an example.
#WFJ: The $14,4000 Miracles
Come experience the excitement of our vibrant, online, world-wide community (TRIBE) that is changing lives to disciple nations. During this life-changing, world-changing webinar, we shared what I consider to be my biggest God story for the past 7 years – “The $14,400 Miracles.”
“The $14,400 Miracles” webinar – sharing my biggest God story of past 7 years
Come experience the excitement of our vibrant, online, world-wide community (TRIBE) that is changing lives to disciple nations. During this life-changing, world-changing webinar, we will be sharing what I consider to be our biggest God story for the past 7 years – “The $14,400 Miracles.”