Archive | Leverage

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The Secret

13 Mar

The secret of MY future is hidden in my daily routine! but exhort one another DAILY (Hebrews 3:13a) What would a healthy daily routine look like to you? Have you written that down? Yesterday’s webinar (web seminar) with Rev. Ron Davidson was awesome. What he had to share spoke so strongly to my spirit. Several […]

Free Marketing Bootcamp

04 Feb

“Eliminate the time between the idea and the act… and your dreams will become your reality!” – Karl Bryan “be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.” (Matthew 10:16) What are 2-3 lead dominos to exponentially grow your small business or church? What impact will a marketing bootcamp have on your small business or church? […]

Tricord of Leverage – Rest, Reflection and Revelation

17 Jan

“Pablo Casals, the great cellist, was asked why, at eighty-five years of age, he continued to practice five hours a day.  He replied, ‘Because I think I’m getting better’. Rebuke is more effective for a wise man than a hundred blows on a fool. (Proverbs 17:10) Why are 98% of all small businesses (and ministries) […]

The Weekly Trio – 30/60/100 Fold Increase

16 Jan

Discover HOW TO experience a 30-60-100 Fold Increase   “Wisdom is the ability to apply leverage, in the right place, in the right amount, at the right time, in the right way.”  – From Nick Nolte in “The Peaceful Warrior” movie Yesterday was a breakthrough day. In the morning, Michael Stay, a Master’s Mind Marketing […]

The Lead Domino Principle

13 Dec

Do you know the number one reason that stops people from getting what they want? It’s lack of Focus. People who focus on what they want, prosper. Those who don’t, struggle. Seek ye first … (Matthew 6:33) What is the lead domino principle? How can you apply that to each day? How does that apply […]

The Awesome Power of Leverage

02 Nov

The longer the lever, the greater the impact! “And you shall remember the LORD your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth,” (Deuteronomy 8:18a) What key forms of leverage are you lacking? Leverage equals speed. If you want to create wealth, you need leverage. Lots of it. There are 3 […]

The Awesome Power of Leverage

02 Oct

The longer the lever, the greater the impact! “And you shall remember the LORD your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth,” (Deuteronomy 8:18a) What key forms of leverage are you lacking? Leverage equals speed. If you want to create wealth, you need leverage. Lots of it. There are 3 […]