Yesterday, received an email from Betty Hughey, a member of Tribe 8 of my I Was Busy, Now I’m Not coaching program who wrote, “Joseph, Hello, I wanted to send you this word that I read on the Elijah List today which re-enforces/confirms everything you are teaching us in the coaching sessions. I thought it […]
Archive by Author
Sunday Inspiration: Why can’t I change?
Is there something in your life that you would like to change, but you can’t and you just feel stuck? I stumbled across this fantastic teaching by Rick Warren today. In this message, Rick shares three important principles about miracles.
Rock Bottom is a Beautiful Place
Diane Cunningham found herself at the bottom of a hopeless pit, familiar with the rocks and boulders that surrounded her… addiction, insecurities, fears and loss. It was when she looked up from the bottom that she found the God who heals, saves and loves. As she began telling about her rock bottom experience, she encountered […]
Sunday Inspiration: Hope In Front of Me
A day late, but not a dollar short. I had planned to send my Sunday Inspiration yesterday, but somehow never seemed to muster enough inspiration. Because of my recent hip replacement on June 9, time sitting at my desk is limited. Plus, I had done a lot of physical therapy in the past few days […]
Sunday Inspiration: Thank you for being my Dad
Today in the United States we celebrate Father’s Day. Father’s Day is a celebration honoring fathers and celebrating fatherhood, paternal bonds, and the influence of fathers in society. In my I Was Busy, Now I’m Not book, I was inspired to add this special tribute to my father. This morning as I searched through GodTube […]
Sunday Inspiration: Miraculous healing in Jesus name
On Monday June 2, I emailed my intercessory prayer team letting them know I was just scheduled for a left total hip replacement on June 9 and asked them to pray for me that my hip surgery and recovery would go well. A few hours later, one of my intercessors called and left a voice […]
Sunday Inspiration: Do what you love
Earlier this week, I received an email from Russel Stauffer encouraging me to watch a video by Robin Sharma titled “The Superachiever’s Secret.” Robin says. “If you really want to get to world-class in your work and you really want to change the world, then you’ve got to do it for the love of your […]
Go, go, go, my child!
Last week, Richard and Melanie Kos completed my 8-week “I Was Busy, Now I’m Not” coaching program. Today I had a private Master’s Mind Coaching (MMC) session with both of them. That was extraordinary. What Holy Spirit did was amazing and he capped off our conversation with an exclamation point.  : After Richard said the […]
Sunday Inspiration: Something Amazing Happened
When I was lying in bed earlier this week, I saw a vision of a huge funnel with the different pieces of my life being drawn into that. As the pieces fell to the bottom, they turned into water and out of the bottom of the funnel came a steady stream of living water. It’s […]
Doubt Paralyzes
My friend Scott sent me an important message this morning about doubt, faith, and trust in God. Because it spoke strongly to me, I felt compelled to share it with you after receiving Scott’s permission. This is a season in Christ were we must “trust in Him” completely, even when things going on around us […]