On a scale of 1-10, how passionate are you about the life you are living? What is your Big Dream? Are you living it? If not, what step of faith can you take to start making that a reality?
Archive | Sunday Inspirations
RSS feed for this sectionSunday Inspiration: Somebody’s Daughter
Somebody’s Daughter is one of the most powerful resources ever created to help people dealing with addictions. At this site, are many endorsements. And Steve Siler has an incredible portfolio of how this resource (CD, DVD, + Discussion Guide) has been used all over the country to touch families.
Sunday Inspiration: Where is the God of Elijah?
This afternoon, I received an email from Bob and Jayne Griffin titled “Where is the God of Elijah?” I normally don’t access my email on Sundays, but today I went there to send one message to Dr. Mary Ellen Schoonover (a dear friend) after Holy Spirit instructed me to. After listening to Bob’s audio message […]
Sunday Inspiration: Do Fewer Things Better
The greatest (most inspiring) message ever preached was the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) by Jesus. What if you knew you had only 30 days to live and you could leave behind only one message, one song, one painting, one teaching series, or one coaching program, what would that be? What would you want […]
Sunday Inspiration: Breaking out of the debt trap!
I’m quite familiar with DEBT, more familiar than I’d like to admit. That’s why I’m so passionate about helping you with getting out of the debt trap. You may be in debt financially or you may be in debt with your Time. Either way you need help.
Sunday Inspiration: My Fight With God
On April 10 Lance Wallnau sent an email to his followers announcing the sudden, unexpected death of a great man and his friend, Brian Klemmer. When Brian Klemmer founded Klemmer & Associates, his dream was to create an army of compassionate Samurai to make a difference in this world. Brian assembled a management team in […]
Sunday Inspiration: Trust and Obey
Today’s message and outcomes are dedicated to Georgia Fauber, a dear friend in Lynchburg Virginia and a mighty woman of God. Georgia has been affectionately dubbed “The Princess of Education” for the state of Virginia. She was only the second woman in the history of the University of Virginia to serve on the Board of […]
Sunday Inspiration: The BANNER of God
As you probably have noticed, I always include “Blessings” as part of my email signature. Two weeks ago I was led to begin signing my emails with “Blessings for a banner year!” for the first time ever. Then when I went to the worship service at Soul Purpose Church on Sunday March 6 for our […]
Sunday Morning Inspiration: Supernatural Acceleration
I returned home this afternoon after spending 4 days at the Kingdom Economic Yearly Summit (KEYS) in Fort Mill, SC, near Charlotte NC. That was the most extraordinary Kingdom-focused event I have ever attended. The venue (Heritage International Ministries) was sensational, the speakers were oustanding, and the spiritual climate was extremely favorable for many, many […]
Sunday Morning Inspirations: The Big Rocks
One of my favorite devotionals I have ever written pertains to The BIG ROCKS [http://budurl.com/ydb003]. The big rocks represent the most important things in your jar of life – your top priorities. This evening, my wife Julia shared how this weekend was a celebration of two great lives – my father and Dan White.