If God’s plans for you are good, what if you miss God? If I miss God, He will _____________ (fill in the blank). That is an important question that Steve Shultz addressed during his live broadcast (webinar) on June 18 titled “How to Walk Daily in Divine Appointments.” Steve is the founder of The Elijah […]
Archive | Faith
RSS feed for this sectionSunday Inspiration: The Full Armor Of God!
This past week I received an email from my friend Melanie Kos in Curacao referring me to a video titled “The Full Armor Of God!” I didn’t take a look at that until today, but when I did, I knew that was to be the main thing I shared with you today. This video message […]
Sunday Inspiration: Being led by the Spirit
“Anytime God shows up, it’s earth shattering! Anytime the Spirit of God moves, it’s world changing.” – Phil Driscoll On February 28 at 1:11 pm EST, Nancy Slocum posted a prophetic comment on the private Soaring777 blog titled “A Call to Arms“. Near the end of her message, Nancy wrote: “Just remember, we can’t obey […]
A Call to Arms
Do you hear it, My children? This is your heavenly Father. THIS IS A CALL TO ARMS! Awaken you sleeper! Where is your holy righteous anger and indignation against the attack of the enemy on My body, the Saints and the leaders (My delegated power of attorney in this earth)?
Sunday Inspiration: A Tribute to John Paul Jackson
On February 18, 2015, John Paul Jackson, a respected spiritual giant and hero of mine, went to be with the Lord peacefully at his home surrounded by family and loved ones. I have felt such a grief in my spirit since even though I never met John Paul in person. As I write this message, […]
Sunday Inspiration: In the beginning
The very first verse of the Bible let’s us know that all things are possible with God. God spoke the world into existence; He did not think the world into existence or dream it. Rather, He spoke it. There is tremendous power in the spoken word, both God’s and ours. The world as we know […]
The Hebrew year 5775
There’s a great contest in the spirit realm that is connected to and revealed by world events such as the civic unrest in Ferguson and New York and the recent terrorist events in Paris. The warfare is setting things up for the advancement of the kingdom…IF WE CAN SEIZE THE MOMENT. We are entering the […]
One Voice
This morning (January 12), I discovered a powerful testimony left as a comment on the private member site from Adam Dobres, one of the Soaring777 members. In replying to Adam, I was led to the website for his music ministry. After watching his YouTube video titled “One Voice,” I was so inspired I felt led […]
Sunday Inspiration: Quantum Glory: The Science of Heaven Invading Earth
When Jesus taught his disciples how to pray using the Lord’s Prayer, what did He mean with “Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is heaven?” And what does that look like in real terms – heaven invading earth? This past week, God strung together an amazing (miraculous) set of circumstances. […]
Move, Lord, Move
Many people are living far below their potential. Their lives have become one struggle after another with seemingly nowhere to turn. They have lost hope that things can and will get better. But God … is moving in power. Today at 7 pm EST. Donald Lee and Gary Beaton, two apostolic-prophetic leaders, will be sharing […]