It’s hard starting out in marriage. Money is usually tight. You’re getting used to new responsibilities. Even though your love is young and energetic, you find yourself dealing with disagreements and expectations you didn’t really see coming. As Barbara and I watched our children marry, we wondered what we should do to help. At the […]
Archive by Author
Sunday Inspiration: What measurement do you want God to use for your blessing?
When I read this Day #84 message by Mary Ellen and watched the video, I knew this was the one I was to share with you and my other followers this week. Kindness and love do not condone or grant approval for ungodly actions and lifestyles, but rather offer God’s love and mercy as an […]
A Tribute to Burt Swardstrom
As a spiritual father, Burt Swardstrom had a tremendous impact on my life. He always treated me as if I was one of his own children. This morning I received the news that Burt went quietly and peacefully to be with the LORD. May you be blessed by this replay of a webinar I hosted […]
Sunday Inspiration: Have you RSVP’d to the Father’s invitation?
Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers out there. Yesterday Caren and Robbie (our two kids) and Seth Ross, Caren’s fiance, came to visit to celebrate Father’s Day with Julia and me. Their visit and what God did through them led to my favorite Father’s Day ever. And the next morning, Father God inspired this […]
Whoopi Goldberg – Sister Act – Oh Maria
We continue our theme of the JOY of the LORD for this week. I appreciate the people who are starting to share their comments publicly on the blog posts to bless me and others. I’m finding the videos for these daily messages so inspiring. They definitely are raising my joy level, which is positivly impacting […]
Sister Act – I Will Follow Him – Finale
The theme of this week is JOY – the joy of the LORD, which is not dependent on our circumstances. In yesterday’s message titled “Sister Act 2 – Oh Happy Day“, we discussed how attitude is everything. Your attitude determines your altitude. This morning I read the book of Philippians. The theme of this entire […]
Sister Act 2 – Oh Happy Day
Attitude is everything. Your attitude determines your altitude. Yesterday was my Sabbath.and an extraordinary one at that. I made up my mind before the day started that I would keep this day holy and let it be a day of rest for me. And wow did God honor that.
Sunday Inspiration: Four Keys to Enjoying People
Today at Soul Purpose Church we began a teaching series called “Summer of Joy” in which we are using the book of Philippians. And the first message in this series was titled “Four Keys to Enjoying People.” In Philippians 1:3, Paul shares this profound statement, “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.” Just […]
Sunday Inspiration: Keep the fire lit
On a scale of 1-10, how passionate are you about the life you are living? What is your Big Dream? Are you living it? If not, what step of faith can you take to start making that a reality?
Sunday Inspiration: Somebody’s Daughter
Somebody’s Daughter is one of the most powerful resources ever created to help people dealing with addictions. At this site, are many endorsements. And Steve Siler has an incredible portfolio of how this resource (CD, DVD, + Discussion Guide) has been used all over the country to touch families.