Whoopi Goldberg – Sister Act – Oh Maria

15 Jun

We continue our theme of the JOY of the LORD for this week.

I appreciate the people who are starting to share their comments publicly on the blog posts to bless me and others.

I’m finding the videos for these daily messages so inspiring. They definitely are raising my joy level, which is positivly impacting my work and relationships.

I must have watched the video at Sister Act – I Will Follow Him – Finale at least 10-15 times in the past 36 hours.

I’m currently reading the Bible completely through in three months. Yesterday evening I finished reading the book of Ezekiel. It that book, GOD said over and over and over “Then they shall know that I am the LORD.” Without a doubt, GOD wants poeple to know Him and to cast down their idols and worship Him as the one true God. Putting God in your back pocket is not acceptable.

Thank you to Fredrick Pfister who sent me the link to the video “To Live is Christ!

Feel the passion of K.P. Yohannan as he describes the life-giving power of total commitment to Christ. Be encouraged and amazed by real life stories of missionaries who willingly risk their lives to preach the Gospel. God can and wants to use our lives in similar, mighty ways if we will find our life by giving it away. (53 min)

Whoopi Goldberg – Sister Act – Oh Maria

Prayer Power
Father GOD, thank You for the overflowing joy that comes from abiding with You. Continue to fan the flames of revival within me to ignite other I meet and connect with. May my words and actions be such that “Then they shall know that You are the LORD.” Amean and hallelujah!

Blessings to live in Christ Jesus!

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