Archive by Author

Sunday Inspiration: How does one relate to an invisible God?

09 Oct

God defines success in terms of faith, not just professed belief in Him, but active, daily, risk-taking trust like that of the great people of Hebrews 11. Trust and faithfulness form the foundation of every relationship. God hungers for you to hear His voice so desperately. This is what God created you for. This is […]

What is God’s most holy day?

07 Oct

According to Rabbi Ralph Messer of Simchat Torah Beit Midrash, Yom Kippur is God’s most holy day. It is “the sabbath of sabbaths!” The Day of Atonement is an eternal ordinance (Exodus 12:14). It’s the day of redemption. On this day, we are called to understand and honor God for what he has done for […]

What was Albert Einstein’s greatest discovery?

04 Oct

Some sources claim that Albert Einstein said the greatest discovery was the the power of compound interest. Regardless of the source, compound interest is powerful. It can either work for you (savings) or against you (debt). To see the power of compound interest, let’s assume you make a one-time investment of $10,000 in something that […]

Sunday Inspiration: What is Thought Leadership?

25 Sep

Recently I’ve been doing a lot of research about thought leadership. Part of what inspired this curiosity is the Mission of St Luke’s School.In the past week, I changed the slogan for my main company (Empower 2000, Inc) to “Empowering and Connecting a new generation of THOUGHT LEADERS.” But what is THOUGHT LEADERSHIP and how […]

Jesus is my 911

12 Sep

On Sept 12, I received the following message from Ben Stewart, a dear friend and business coach, in response to my “Sunday Inspiration: FREEDOM in Christ.” This really inspired me and Ben gave me permission to share it with you.

Sunday Inspiration: FREEDOM in Christ

11 Sep

I’m currently facilitating the chapel services at St Luke’s School on Friday mornings. Each week, the Holy Spirit guides me to choose new keywords. Friday Sept 9 was the second week of chapel. The keyword for the intermediate school students (grades 5-9) was FREEDOM, while for the preschool and elementary school students, the keyword was […]