Wow! I had another extraordinary week with lots of amazing things happening, including meeting with a 71 year old pastor who had walked across America. Let me share a few stories that are closely interrelated.
Archive by Author
Sunday Inspiration: As America Has Done To Israel
Today’s message is the most significant one I have ever written concerning Israel and America. I share this because I want you to realize this is not just another a message, but a clarion call to people in America to wake up. There is a direct correlation between the alarming number of massive disasters striking […]
Sunday Inspiration: The Circle Maker
I had an extraordinary week, sandwiched by two historic events, one in northern New Jersey on Mon Aug 12, 2013 and the other in Culpeper VA today. Each day something extraordinary happened and it was obvious the LORD was involved each time. Here are two “attention grabbers” demonstrating the sovereignty of God.
Sunday Inspiration: Are You Ready For This?
Right now, in this moment, you are capable of exponential improvement in your performance. You can multiply your personal effectiveness, hit new highs, and shatter old achievement records. The results you can have will be hard for you to imagine. You can become you squared. You don’t have to settle for things as they are […]
Sunday Inspiration: A lot can happen in a year
In my message last week titled “The Only Disability in Life is a Bad Attitude,” I mentioned that I recently ordered Vic Johnson’s book “52 Mondays: The One Year Path To Outrageous Success and Lifelong Happiness.” That book is having a profound impact on my thinking and is leading to massive action.
Sunday Inspiration: The Only Disability in Life is a Bad Attitude
Before going to bed last Sunday night (July 7), I told my wife I was not going to the Powell Wellness Center the next morning for my usual two-hour Monday workout. However, as things turned out, I did end up going. That action step and my positive attitude led to chain reaction of blessings. Vic […]
Sunday Inspiration: A Call to Anguish
Yesterday I received an email from Nancy Slocum titled “A Call to Anguish (David Wilkerson video)”. This morning I watched that 7 minute video. It stirred my heart so deeply I knew I had to share it with you. This is the heart cry of God for America and the world.
Sunday Inspiration: Lessons I’ve learned from 32 years of marriage
On June 21, Julia and I celebrated 32 years of marriage. We capped off the day by going to the elegant Culpeper State Theater to see Mark Nizer perform live. Mark is a world champion juggler and outrageous comedian. While lying in bed resting and reflecting, I felt prompted to share ten of the most […]
Sunday Inspiration: Success in Uncertainty
I want you to stop and think of what you are doing, where you’re going, is it working. What am I doing? What works and what doesn’t? We are living in crazy times today. Uncertainty is the new norm. Things are starting to change and they are starting to change faster than ever before. We […]
Sunday Inspiration: The most important word in business
In May 2013, I watched an outstanding video by Brendon Burchard in which he talked about how to exponentially grow your business profitability and personal financial wealth. In his short video, Brendon talked about 5 things to grow your business. According to Brendon, the most important word in business is STRATEGY.