Archive by Author

Sunday Inspiration: A lot can happen in a year

21 Jul

In my message last week titled “The Only Disability in Life is a Bad Attitude,” I mentioned that I recently ordered Vic Johnson’s book “52 Mondays: The One Year Path To Outrageous Success and Lifelong Happiness.” That book is having a profound impact on my thinking and is leading to massive action.

Sunday Inspiration: Lessons I’ve learned from 32 years of marriage

23 Jun

On June 21, Julia and I celebrated 32 years of marriage. We capped off the day by going to the elegant Culpeper State Theater to see Mark Nizer perform live. Mark is a world champion juggler and outrageous comedian. While lying in bed resting and reflecting, I felt prompted to share ten of the most […]

Sunday Inspiration: The most important word in business

09 Jun

In May 2013, I watched an outstanding video by Brendon Burchard in which he talked about how to exponentially grow your business profitability and personal financial wealth. In his short video, Brendon talked about 5 things to grow your business. According to Brendon, the most important word in business is STRATEGY.