Sunday Inspiration: The Three Most Powerful Words

08 Apr

The Three Most Powerful Words

Today is Easter, also known as Resurrection Sunday, the most significant day in the Christian calendar.

My pastor frequently refers to Easter as the Christian Superbowl. More people go to worship services on Easter and Christmas than any other days of the year.

This message today is the most profound one I have ever written. If you are open to receive blessings from the throne room of heaven, this message will inspire, enlighten, and tranform you.

On Resurrection Sunday, we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who came as the Passover Lamb 2,000 years ago and will return soon as the Lion of Judah.

According to Ron DiCianni, “The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the single act in history that separates Christianity from every other religion, every other philosophy, and every other belief system!

Ron is a world renown artist who was commissioned a few years ago to paint the largest mural ever of the resurrection (12 fee high by 40 feet wide). It took him two years to complete. The Resurrection Painting now hangs in the Museum of Biblical Art in Dallas Texas.

More than anything eles, the message of the cross is one of FORGIVENESS. Without unconditional forgiveness, it’s impossible to experience the unconditional Agape love of Father God.

Chances are you are in bondage right now because of unforgiveness, be it obvious or hidden. The Holy Spirit is inviting you to be set free.

At the end of the worship service on the last day (March 25) of the Kingdom Economic Yearly Summit (KEYS) in Los Angeles, John Anderson said the three most powerful words you can ever say are “I forgive you!”

In an earlier email sent on Februrary 13, John wrote:

The critical importance of forgiveness has been emphasized over and over.

Take time EVERY DAY to …

  • Forgive God
  • Forgive Yourself
  • Forgive Everyone ELSE

Some have raised their eyes at “forgiving God” – since He cannot Sin – – – but I have certainly been angry – upset – disappointed – offended by His action or delays….. and that always damages my willingness to trust Him completely…… So, forgive the OFFENSE you TOOK …. rather than the OFFENSE He gave…….. in any case Forgive.

In a recent church service, I was asked to pray for a lady with severe fibromyalgia (hands had not opened in 3 years). I distinctly heard “Forgive God” as a nudge. I refused to pray for her….but told her I could FIX her hands. She repeated “Father, I forgive you” and was totally healed inside of 10 seconds. A minute later, her husband (Arthritic back) prayed “I forgive myself…” and was totally healed.

Folks, I honestly have overlooked the power of forgiveness – especially of Self and of the Lord – until recently. Try it – let me know what you find.

This week I received an email from Cherie Norquay with a link to her her new and original music video called When He Reached. Enjoy! This is one of the most beautiful music videos I have ever seen about the power of the resurrection for each of us.


More blessings

1) WFJ: Be Real

2) WFJ: I have downloaded HEAVEN’S BLUEPRINT

3) WFJ: Don’t limit Me!

4) Please help Ieesha’s Dreams to come true!

5) Replay of “ESC Works: Empowering Voices Across Borders” webinar on April 3 with Laurie Roberts, Beverly Leavitt, Ieesha Esperanza, and others.

6) King’s Gallery: Raising a Banner Worthy of Heaven to Carry webinar on April 10 with Troi Cockayne. If you love art, this webinar is for you.

7) STEP Into Destiny: Showcasing Your Brilliance webinar on April 11 with Lisa Rae Preston

Blessings to forgive God, yourself, and everyone else daily!

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