Sunday Inspiration: The 12 Days of Christmas

12 Dec

On Tuesday December 13 at 12:01 AM Eastern time, I am officially launching “The 12 Days of Christmas,” my Christmas gift to you and the world.

This IDEA was inspired by the Holy Spirit while I was journaling during my Sacred Time on Sunday December 11. This was a DIVINE INTERRUPTION.

Each day for the next 12 days, you will receive an email from me sent at 12:01 AM Eastern Time, which is highly unusual because my bed time is 8 or 9 PM.

The reason I will be sending these emails so early is that I want my friends in Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, and elsewhere to have access to the same opportunities and specials that my friends in the United States do.

I realize that the Christmas season is is a busy time for many people, perhaps you too.

It’s also a time for GIVING, so I will be presenting you with Uncommon Opportunities to grow and to give. Whenever I use the word UNCOMMON, I mean inspired by the Holy Spirit for a God-sized result.

In Acts 20:35, the great apostle Paul said, “I have shown you in every way, by laboring like this, that you must support the weak. And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.'”

Here is a list of the gifts and opportunities that will be shared with you during The 12 Days of Christmas

And then on December 25, you will receive an online Christmas card and letter from my family.

If any of these topics interest you, I encourage you to open the emails early because some of the opportunities disappear within 8-24 hours.

If you don’t have time to read one of my messages, please save or delete it. If you choose to unsubscribe from my list, please be aware that I can never add your email address back to my list. And my connection with you is important.

By the way, at the end of the “Keys to Supernatural Favor and Increase” webinar on December 8, Dr. Bruce Cook prayed for DIVINE INTERRUPTIONS. I was supposed to leave for Hilton Head early in the morning on December 11, but instead “The 12 Days of Christmas” was birthed.

Blessings for a wonderful 12 Days of Christmas!

Join the conversation. Share your thoughts about the 12 days of Christmas below.

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