Occupying High Places

15 Sep

“It only takes 3-5% of a population to form a tipping point that creates a culture.” – Lance Wallnau

Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Inasmuch as God has shown you all this, there is no one as discerning and wise as you… So he set him over all the land of Egypt.  (Genesis 41:39, 43b)

Can we become a force that can literally transform culture?

In my devotional on September 13, I shared stories about Lance Wallnau and the seven mountains. In response to that, I received three high-impact email replies from Jeff Williams, Vern Six, and Michael Stay.

Michael’s email prompted me to immediately register for the “Take All 7 Conference” with Lance Wallnau in Harrisburg Pennsylvania on October 30-31. When I clicked through to the conference registration page, a two minute video began with Lance explaining how to transform a culture. That video is fantastic and can be viewed at today’s link of the day. Here is what Lance says:

“When Jesus teaches us to go into all the world and make disciples of nations, most of us think that we start by evangelizing them. And then we make disciples out of the people we convert.

But in fact, Joseph did not really impact Egypt and Daniel didn’t impact Babylon by converting people to becoming Hebrews. And this is the amazing thing.

It only takes 3-5% of a population to form a tipping point that creates a culture, because the minority occupying the high places are stronger than a majority that are irrelevant.

You have 30% evangelicals in the United States with a 5% minority that is controlling how the agenda works. How could that happen? It happens because we put more energy into making converts than taking converts into the high places.

When the Church, when God’s people, take what God gave them and they go into the  situation, they create solutions to problems that nations cannot find. And the moment that they create the solution, like Joseph in Egypt, they build a platform that can disciple a nation.

Presidents of countries that have epidemics like AIDS, like in Uganda, aren’t looking for a Christian solution – they’re looking for solution. And if a Christian becomes the solution, then their ideology, their belief system, and their religion suddenly has a platform of credibility that can touch an entire nation. That’s how big the doors are right now.

Do we have supernatural answers to problems? 
Can we press into heaven to get economic and social solutions?
Can we become a force that can literally transform culture?

Nations are opening up now because believers are knocking on doors that were held close for hundreds of years. This is the time when God is giving territory to the Kingdom people.”

Prayer Power
Heavenly Father, these are exciting times to be alive. Thank You for Lance Wallnau and his assignment to teach Your people how to reclaim the seven mountains. Bless him, LORD, and bless the upcoming “Take All 7 Conference.” In Jesus mighty name, we pray. Amen and Hallelujah!

Link of the Day
Take All 7 Conference – watch this awesome video

Blessing to be a godly force to transform your sphere of influence!

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