One biblical phrase that has troubled many people is the command to fear God. What does fear of the Lord mean, and why does God ask us to fear Him?
Archive | Obedience
RSS feed for this sectionSunday Inspiration: 50 Commands of Christ
Dr. Lance Wallnau is a dynamic teacher with a unique and powerful gift for imparting the Word of God. Recently while praying through my long prayer list on my Kindle Fire, I stumbled across the 50 Commands of Christ as taught by Lance. Here is an except:
Sunday Inspiration: Be holy for I am holy!
Yesterday morning I was led to invest several hours of my time researching the Ark of the Covenant, the Ten Commandments, the Sabbath, and what the Bible says about obedience. In the Ark of the Covenant, also known as the Ark of the Testimony, there were the Ten Commandments on two stone tablets. When the […]
Tears of joy, hope, sorrow, and repentance [webinar today]
I am so excited about today’s webinar with Ingrid Budag titled “Queens of the Kingdom.” I finished reading Ingrid’s book last night and was so moved by her story. This morning I received an email from Ingrid sharing this brand new review of her book by Daytha Hulion: “Reading Ingrid Budag’s biography blessed me more […]
At 10:37 am in the morning on April 12 I received an email from Laurie Roberts titled “PLEASE HELP TODAY! THANK YOU!” After reading what Laurie wrote and being aware of some of the miracles behind this huge God story, I couldn’t get this out of my mind. So I emailed me list asking for […]
What is God’s most holy day?
According to Rabbi Ralph Messer of Simchat Torah Beit Midrash, Yom Kippur is God’s most holy day. It is “the sabbath of sabbaths!” The Day of Atonement is an eternal ordinance (Exodus 12:14). It’s the day of redemption. On this day, we are called to understand and honor God for what he has done for […]
The Prophet Who Ran Down
Who among us hasn’t heard God telling us to do something we really didn’t want to do? Sometimes it’s easy to convince ourselves that we know better than God what needs to be done. Eventually the Lord will bring us to a place where we have little choice but to stop, listen, and obey.
#WFJ: The $14,4000 Miracles
Come experience the excitement of our vibrant, online, world-wide community (TRIBE) that is changing lives to disciple nations. During this life-changing, world-changing webinar, we shared what I consider to be my biggest God story for the past 7 years – “The $14,400 Miracles.”
“The $14,400 Miracles” webinar – sharing my biggest God story of past 7 years
Come experience the excitement of our vibrant, online, world-wide community (TRIBE) that is changing lives to disciple nations. During this life-changing, world-changing webinar, we will be sharing what I consider to be our biggest God story for the past 7 years – “The $14,400 Miracles.”
#WFJ: The Spiritual Triangle Between Virginia, the U.K. And Italy
You’re invited to watch Team Destiny’s INAUGURAL “Words From Jesus: How To Hear God’s Voice” webinar launch. Listen to what I consider to be my BIGGEST GOD STORY of 2009.