Archive | HABITS

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Sunday Inspiration: A lot can happen in a year

21 Jul

In my message last week titled “The Only Disability in Life is a Bad Attitude,” I mentioned that I recently ordered Vic Johnson’s book “52 Mondays: The One Year Path To Outrageous Success and Lifelong Happiness.” That book is having a profound impact on my thinking and is leading to massive action.

New Horizons Of Opportunities

10 Mar

There are times in our lives when God strings together a most unusual set of circumstances to really get our attention to learn a critical life lesson, form a new habit, or change our life course. I call these ATTENTION GRABBERS. On June 9, 2008 I experienced an EXTRAORDINARY attention grabber. My meeting with Dr. […]

Life’s Healing Choices: The Growth Choice

08 Mar

Eventually the Lord will bring us to a place where we have little choice but to stop, listen, and obey. Yesterday, Matt Gregory (my pastor) preached a powerful message at Soul Purpose Church ( about The Growth Choice. This message came from Pastor Rick Warren’s teaching in an 8 week series we are doing called […]

Day #3 of 30 Days to Breakthrough – The importance of HABITS

18 Feb

Welcome to Day #3 of your “30 Days To Breakthrough” journey. Today, we focus on the importance of HABITS. It’s been said that good habits are the key to all success and that successful people do daily what unsuccessful people do occasionally. The only way you’ll form long-lasting habits is by applying the Power of […]

Day #0 Welcome to “30 Days to Breakthrough”

15 Feb

Welcome to the “30 Days to Breakthrough” E-course. The purpose of this E-course is to TRANSFORM you, not merely inform you. But for that to happen you must do your part. During the next 30 days, we’re asking you to make a simple, yet powerful COMMITMENT. Will you commit to establish the HABIT of reading […]

God’s Will And Your Life

23 Mar

“When God speaks, it is important to write down what He says.” – Henry Blackaby then He said, “Behold, I have come to do Your will, O God.” He takes away the first that He may establish the second. (Hebrews 10:9) Who do you know that will benefit from participating in this new online community […]

My Life Story Empowered

13 Oct

“The Bible is not something that leads to a connection with God; It is the connection with God.” – Henry Blackaby Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path. (Psalm 119:105) How can you empower your life story? Will you commit to meet with Jesus daily? When and where […]

Developing an “Ear To Hear” God’s Voice

27 Aug

Please Turn on Javascript UNCOMMON Opportunity To learn more about Today’s life changing webinar “Introduction to UNCOMMON Journaling for Destiny,” CLICK HERE. Testimony: What a blessing! Journaling and using The Journal is revolutionizing my life. – Dan Paulsen Secular coaches call it ‘intuition”.  LLC coaches have learned that we are really helping clients Hear God for […]