This morning I woke up early and lay still resting and reflecting in bed for a while before Maui got me up at 4:15 am. The predominant thought in my mind was “I hate the spirit of judgment.” Then this scripture came to mind – “Mercy triumphs over judgment.” As I began journaling, I was […]
Archive | Freedom
RSS feed for this sectionStrategic Relocation: North American Guide To Safe Places
This video is worth your time and prayerful considerations. Blessings, Stevie // This exclusive 1:30 hour interview contains vital information for your family. Take advantage while you still can. Joel Skousen is a political scientist, by training, specializing in the philosophy of law and Constitutional theory, and is also a designer of high security residences […]
Sunday Inspiration: STOP STRIVING
Over the past few weeks, the LORD has been speaking to me in a variety of ways to STOP STRIVING. I even had a vivid dream on April 15 that woke me up about this. I sense strongly this message is intended for many other people too, perhaps you. During our last Master’s Mind Marketing […]
Chuck Colson Remembered
Yesterday evening I received this email from Breaking Christian News announing Chuck Colson’s death. That broke my heart because Chuck Colson was a spiritual giant and a champion for religious freedom. While I was deeply saddened by this news, I rejoice knowing he left a plan of succession. This morning as I was preparing this […]
Sunday Inspiration: The Three Most Powerful Words
Today is Easter, also known as Resurrection Sunday, the most significant day in the Christian calendar. My pastor frequently refers to Easter as the Christian Superbowl. More people go to worship services on Easter and Christmas than any other days of the year. This message today is the most profound one I have ever written. […]
Sunday Inspiration: Your FIRST STEP to get out of the rat race!
What if I could show you how to SAVE AT LEAST ONE HOUR of time each day? What if I could show you how to save at least one day each week? What if I could show you how to MAGNIFY YOUR IMPACT at least 30 fold in 12 months? Would you be interested? Of […]
Watch the Eagle
This morning I received an email titled “Watch the Eagle” from my cousin Clark Green. I decided to take a time-out to watch the video and am glad I did. Then I was prompted to share this inspiring 5 minute music video with you. In obedience to the Holy Spirit I have done that. Enjoy. […]
Sunday Inspiration: FREEDOM in Christ
I’m currently facilitating the chapel services at St Luke’s School on Friday mornings. Each week, the Holy Spirit guides me to choose new keywords. Friday Sept 9 was the second week of chapel. The keyword for the intermediate school students (grades 5-9) was FREEDOM, while for the preschool and elementary school students, the keyword was […]
Sunday Inspiration: Breaking out of the debt trap!
I’m quite familiar with DEBT, more familiar than I’d like to admit. That’s why I’m so passionate about helping you with getting out of the debt trap. You may be in debt financially or you may be in debt with your Time. Either way you need help.
#WFJ: The $14,4000 Miracles
Come experience the excitement of our vibrant, online, world-wide community (TRIBE) that is changing lives to disciple nations. During this life-changing, world-changing webinar, we shared what I consider to be my biggest God story for the past 7 years – “The $14,400 Miracles.”