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Sunday Inspiration: Planting Seeds of Greatness

13 Oct

This week I was referred by a good friend to one of the most inspirational videos I’ve ever seen about a leader planting seeds of greatness in college students. This 25 minute documentary tells the amazing story of Dr. Nido Qubein and was filmed by Nick Nanton, founder of The Celebrity Branding® Agency.  If you […]

Sunday Inspiration: A lot can happen in a year

21 Jul

In my message last week titled “The Only Disability in Life is a Bad Attitude,” I mentioned that I recently ordered Vic Johnson’s book “52 Mondays: The One Year Path To Outrageous Success and Lifelong Happiness.” That book is having a profound impact on my thinking and is leading to massive action.

Sunday Inspiration: The most important word in business

09 Jun

In May 2013, I watched an outstanding video by Brendon Burchard in which he talked about how to exponentially grow your business profitability and personal financial wealth. In his short video, Brendon talked about 5 things to grow your business. According to Brendon, the most important word in business is STRATEGY.

Sunday Inspiration: Another day, another adventure

27 Jan

Helen Keller once said, “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” This past week during my morning quiet time, I was prompted to pick up and begin re-reading a great book by Mark Batterson titled “The Wild Goose: Reclaim the Adventure of Pursuing God.”  In his first chapter titled “Yawning Angels,” Mark writes: “Celtic […]