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Doubt Paralyzes

03 May

My friend Scott sent me an important message this morning about doubt, faith, and trust in God. Because it spoke strongly to me, I felt compelled to share it with you after receiving Scott’s permission. This is a season in Christ were we must “trust in Him” completely, even when things going on around us […]

Sunday Inspiration: America Restored is released

13 Apr

After months of work we had a soft launch and release of the Statesman’s Handbook of America Restored at the Shepherd’s Table in Leesburg on April 10. The other document released is our first voter guide. God’s timing and providence is amazing because after months of hard work, Gary happened to release his video on […]

Tribute to Bob Jones

21 Feb

On February 14, 2014 (Valentine’s Day), Bob Jones, friend of God and friend of MorningStar Ministries, went home to heaven. My good friend Gary Beaton was asked to give a tribute to Bob Jones at that special memorial service broadcast around the world via Gary was one of Bob closest friends in the last […]

Sunday Inspiration: The Top Ten Leadership Principles of Jesus

16 Feb

This past week while using my Kindle Fire to pray through my long prayer list, I came across “The Top Ten Leadership Principles of Jesus.” This comes from page 1211 of the Maxwell Leadership Bible in which Dr. John Maxwell discuss the significance of Mark 8:34-38. I felt compelled to share this with you. Enjoy!  […]