Archive by Author

Sunday Morning Inspirations: Be Thou My Vision

23 Jan

We’re living in such strange and stressful times. Uncertainy abounds. Debt is escalating. Unemployment remains high. Oil prices are rising again. Some experts are forecasting financial collapse in America soon. Psalms 11:3 asks, “If the foundations are destroyed, What can the righteous do?” The answer is keep our eyes fixed on Jesus.

Please pray for Janet Sudduth

31 Dec

This morning Dr. Mary Ellen Schoonover forwarded an email to me (below) from Doris Wagner asking for prayer for Janet Sudduth, wife of Dr. Bill Sudduth. Janet was diagnosed on Dec 28 with a large malignant tumor in her lung. Bill and Janet are very close friends of Peter and Doris. As you may recall, […]

God’s Christmas gift to the world

24 Dec

On December 22 TeamDestiny777 hosted the inaugural webinar for The LORD Will Provide ministries. This was a powerful and prophetic webinar releasing God’s vision for provision, cities of refuge, and the end times. What I heard in my spirit before this webinar started is “This is God’s Christmas gift to the world!” Stephen Burke made […]

Sunday Morning Inspirations: Fear Not

19 Dec

God has a Christmas gift for you! What is it? Freedom from all your fears! We all need this gift desperately because we all have real fears that control our lives and rob our lives of the joy and peace Christ came to give 2,000 years ago. Here is a video with one of the […]

12 Days of Christmas – Day #2: Two new friends!

14 Dec

Welcome to Day #2 of your “12 Days of Christmas” journey, preparing the way of the Lord! Your key word today is Speak LIFE. Your key message is “God hates complaining!” In his famous book titled “How To Win Friends And Influence People,” Dale Carnegies listed 30 important principles for winning friends and influencing people. […]