On my birthday (March 18), I received two profound and prophetic messages in Facebook. Tabatha Haines wrote, “On a side note I felt pulled to give you this scripture so here you go :) 1 Chronicles 28:19 (NIV) – “All this,” David said, “I have in writing from the hand of the LORD upon me, […]
Archive by Author
Sunday Inspiration: Trust and Obey
Today’s message and outcomes are dedicated to Georgia Fauber, a dear friend in Lynchburg Virginia and a mighty woman of God. Georgia has been affectionately dubbed “The Princess of Education” for the state of Virginia. She was only the second woman in the history of the University of Virginia to serve on the Board of […]
Sunday Inspiration: The BANNER of God
As you probably have noticed, I always include “Blessings” as part of my email signature. Two weeks ago I was led to begin signing my emails with “Blessings for a banner year!” for the first time ever. Then when I went to the worship service at Soul Purpose Church on Sunday March 6 for our […]
New Horizons Of Opportunities
There are times in our lives when God strings together a most unusual set of circumstances to really get our attention to learn a critical life lesson, form a new habit, or change our life course. I call these ATTENTION GRABBERS. On June 9, 2008 I experienced an EXTRAORDINARY attention grabber. My meeting with Dr. […]
What will your epitaph say? – webinar today
In my “Sunday Inspiration: KNOW YOUR PLACE” sent on February 27, I mentioned that I’m hosting Os Hillman on a webinar tonight titled “The Story Behind The Story: Today God Is First.” During this webinar, Os will be sharing his life story, how Today God Is First (TGIF) was birthed, and some of the fruit […]
How To Set Up Your Own Blog
If you’re available and interested, I’d like to invite you to today’s live webinar “How To Set Up Your Own Blog.” In case you don’t know, a blog is a turbocharged website. I frequently say it’s “10-10-10” – 10x cheaper than a traditional website to set up, 10x cheaper to maintain, and at least 10x […]
Sunday Morning Inspiration: Supernatural Acceleration
I returned home this afternoon after spending 4 days at the Kingdom Economic Yearly Summit (KEYS) in Fort Mill, SC, near Charlotte NC. That was the most extraordinary Kingdom-focused event I have ever attended. The venue (Heritage International Ministries) was sensational, the speakers were oustanding, and the spiritual climate was extremely favorable for many, many […]
Sunday Morning Inspiration: YOUR PLACE IS YOUR DESTINY
Where you choose to live and work and the environment you are in plays a vital role in shaping who you are and what you can accomplish. In the 18th century Charles Lamb, an English essayist, shared one of the greatest philosophical insights ever articulated when he wrote – “Nothing puzzles me more than TIME […]
Sunday Morning Inspirations: SHARE
Are you spiritually constipated? It’s been my observation that most of God’s children are. They keep taking more and more in, but let little or nothing out. Sharing your God stories with the world is like a dam breaking to release God’s reservoir of living waters. The more you share, the more God’s fresh living […]
Sunday Morning Inspirations: The Big Rocks
One of my favorite devotionals I have ever written pertains to The BIG ROCKS [http://budurl.com/ydb003]. The big rocks represent the most important things in your jar of life – your top priorities. This evening, my wife Julia shared how this weekend was a celebration of two great lives – my father and Dan White.