My favorite song for 2012 was “My Love Will Never Die,” written by Rod Stone of Anacortes, Washington for the 2012 stage production of Marching Through Culpeper. This song and the MTC musical were fruit of 5 years of group prayer. Enjoy!
Archive by Author
Sunday Inspiration: Wonderful Counselor
God works in mysterious ways. Earlier this week, For the past few days, I planned to title today’s message “The Secret,” but this morning Holy Spirit made it clear His title was “Wonderful Counselor.” Let me explain.
Sunday Inspiration: Be the leader who is “the difference”
My favorite book read in 2012 is “If How To’s Were Enough, We’d All Be Skinny, Rich, and Happy” by Brian Klemmer. In his book endorsement, Mark Victor Hansen, best-selling coauthor of Chicken Soup For The Soul. wrote, “This an an absolute must read for the person who want to enjoy life more, have more, […]
More Time To Enjoy The Holidays
We are entering what is for many people their busiest time of the year, the Thanksgiving and Christmas season. Yet, busyness is an enemy of relationships, not a badge of honor. So, I’ve decided to host a special webinar on Tuesday Nov 20 at 8 pm EST titled “Simplify Your Complicated Life.” If you would […]
Sunday Inspiration: The 100/0 Principle
Yesterday I found a voice message and two encouraging emails from Tom Richter, a connector who I hadn’t spoken to for about a year. It’s interesting that about an hour before seeing Tom’s email, I prayed to God to let me know the title for today’s Sunday Inspiration. When I clicked on one of Tom’s […]
IHOP CEO Daniel Lim’s Sharing After U.S Election
Daniel Lim shares his perspective on the recent U.S. presidential elections at the IHOPU student chapel and calls the student body to understand the importance of prayer going forward. At the end of his sermon, Daniel offered his whole heartily prayer, so touching. Amen!
Sunday Inspiration: How to be in the presence of God 24/7
Yesterday I stumbled across the best video I have ever seen explaining how to “Live in the presence and supernatural peace of God 24/7!” Not only will Dennis explain where the Spirit of God dwells within you, but he also reveals a profound mystery on how to live in forgiveness.
GoD and DoG
A few weeks someone was telling me the story about the Youtube video “GoD and DoG.” I soon forgot about that and went about my business. Then yesterday morning I noticed the book “GoD and DoG” on my wife’s dresser, so I read it right away. This morning, I was led to do a Youtube […]
Vote Under God
This morning I stumbled across this outstanding video by Pastor Robert Morris, who explains why this election is important and shares about an exciting opportunity for your church to make a difference. Join Gateway Church in taking a stand for righteousness in our nation with your vote, under God. Visit today.
Sunday Inspiration: The Black Robe Regiment of Virginia
Today, after taking a 4-week sabbatical from writing these weekly Sunday Inspirations, I’m writing a message that I believe will be near and dear to the hearts of those who want to restore America’s godly heritage. To restore America’s godly heritage, we must understand the history of America’s founding. The Declaration of Independence was a […]