Sunday Inspiration: The road to our destiny

09 Feb

This week I received a powerful email from a good friend titled “The road to our destiny is not linear.” In that, he wrote:

Brother Joseph,

I taught a bible study to some local business men in my community a few years ago. The lesson I taught was about finding the your road to destiny. I taught out of my own personal experience that the road to my destiny was not straight nor linear. The road has like a zig-zag pathway.

God reveals to us a “snapshot of our destiny”. He reveals to us where He is taking us on that road to our destiny but not how we will get there. I taught that the road to destiny is a “process”, not an “event” to get to our destiny. The road to Destiny is not linear but zig zags along the way to our destination.

Our minds natural processing wants to find the shortest and fastest way to that destiny. God however is not as interested in us arriving at our destiny quickly. He is interested in teaching us and walking with us (in His timing) along the way to increase our relationship with Him. Our destiny is not about the destination but the journey to our destination. This is where we are fashioned into the character of Christ, along the way to our destiny.

These 2 pages [] are from an excellent book called “Prophetic Wisdom” by Graham Cooke. As you will read in the attached 2 pages you will discover the reason for delays and movements in a non linear fashion are to prepare us for the next leg of the journey and to develop a deeper relationship with The Lord while walking the longer pathway to your destiny.

I am sure, after you read this article you will have a much better understanding of how God’s ways are not our ways as far as our understanding (or our desire for a quick linear journey) of how we arrive at our destiny. The more we all understand these principals the greater “joy” we can have on our zig-zag journey to our destiny.

If you, a family member, or a good friend has been on a challenging and long journey, I hope this encourages you.

Blessings to trust the process and the God behind the journey!

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