Sunday Inspiration: Today’s word is CLARITY

22 Jul

A few weeks ago during a Master’s Mind Coaching session, the Holy Spirit branded one of my clients as Master JV Broker.

A day or two later, I was prompted to brand myself as Master Journaler. So I reserved the domain name and opened a corresponding Twitter account. After doing that, I received an email suggesting I connect with Dr. John Maxwell on Twitter.

I did that and because John was the first person I followed in Twitter with that new account, my Twitter screen was full of recent messages from John. What a treat that was. John’s messages were so inspiring and I ended up clicking on several of his hyperlinks which led me to a treasure chest of great people and resources.

Meet John Maxwell

I ended up subscribing to A MINUTE WITH MAXWELL. Now I receive a daily email from John with one minute of free video coaching. This is the best free leadership coach training I have come across.

Here’s a sample video message

Today’s word is CLARITY

Be clear if you want to be successful!

Blessings for clarity to see and hit your target!

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