
31 Dec

Journaling clarifies your thoughts and feelings, allowing you to gain valuable self-knowledge.

That ye may REMEMBER, and do all my commandments, and be holy unto your God. (Numbers 15:40)

What did God do for you in 2006?
How do you remember what God has done?

Over and over again in the Bible, God tells His people to remember what He had done. Sometimes they wrote things down and other times they told stories. Sometimes they set down big stones and other times they built altars.

For the past five years, journaling has been the lead domino for my life. It helps me REMEMBER what God has done and is doing. It helps my faith leap forward. Journaling helps ensure I pray, read the Bible, examine what God is telling me, share with others, and keep track of what God is doing and what He has commanded me to do. It allows me to notice answers to prayers. Journaling helps me be a doer of the Word.

On July 1, 2006, the Holy Spirit opened a new gate to begin this daily e-prayer devotional. The purpose is to bless millions of families to be a blessing to others. These devotionals help build strong relationships through the transformational power of prayer. During the last six months of 2006, devotionals were sent on 177 of the 184 days. More than 60,000 emails went out. Every devotional included a prayer.

For your benefit and the benefit of others, every devotional has been archived online. Upon reviewing these, I’m encouraged by remembering some of the things God has done. Be blessed and review the devotional archive yourself. Then bless family and friends by referring them. Thank you.

Prayer Power
Father, thank You for another great year. Thank You for the opportunity to bless others and to be blessed myself through these daily devotionals. Thank You for everyone who chose to stay in touch with me. Thank You for those who sent email replies encouraging me or sharing a testimony of how a particular devotional impacted them. Thank You for everyone who prayed for me and others. Thank you for those who invited others to join. Bless those who read these messages with a deeper understanding of how much You love them. Thank You Jesus. Amen.

Link of the Day
Archive of Devotionals for Your Daily Blessing []
Blessings to remember what God has done for you!

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