Sunday Inspiration: Liberty Man

09 Mar

Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. (2 Corinthians 3:17)

Most people are aware that our freedoms in America are being whittled away, or perhaps more accurately, “chopped away”.

During the past few months I have had the privilege of working with a great team of leaders to launch a new organization called America Restored. The purpose is to return America to good government and traditional values and principles that the founders of our nation lived by.

The Statesman’s Handbook for America Restored declares:

Liberty ManA corporate image of the “Founder” generation gives us a good picture of the character necessary for men to live in liberty. This “Liberty Man” will be a self-governed, a virtuous man of faith who lives by principles and seeks to fulfill his duties to his family, nation, and Creator. He will exert the labor necessary to educate himself in governmental ideas of liberty, and then work to apply these ideas in the nation. He will gladly sacrifice to preserve freedom – freedom of worship, of assembly, of thought and expression of ideas; freedom to marry, have children, and provide his family with health, education, and welfare; freedom to labor and benefit from the fruit of that labor, to elect representatives and have a voice in government, to own property, to get ideas, start businesses and create wealth; freedom from governmental tyranny, from unequal status before the law, and from class distinctions.

This “Liberty Man” will have a greater concern for posterity than for himself and will be ready to pay whatever price is necessary to secure, maintain, and propagate liberty.

This past week, Steve Kelsay passed along a link to an outstanding 15 minute video about the “Liberty Man” and a simple strategy to restore America. This video clip comes from the movie Monumental starring Kirk Cameron. Enjoy.

The Pilgrims Formula To Save America with Kirk Cameron in Monumental


Prayer Power

Heavenly Father, thank You for establishing America as one of only two nations in the world dedicated to God at its birth. Thank You for the freedom that Americans have enjoyed and brought to other nations over time. Father, many of us still believe that You have a great destiny for America. Guide us along Your narrow path that leads to life. Give us the courage to rise up and take a stand for liberty. And grant us the favor necessary to transform our lives, families, churches, businesses, and government. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen and hallelujah!

The signing of the Declaration of Independence

Signing of Declaration of Independence

Blessings to take a bold stand for liberty!

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