He Said- She Said

12 Nov

Marriage works best when both husband and wife give up their rights for the sake of the other.

submitting to one another in the fear of God. (Ephesians 5:21)

On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your submission to your spouse?
How would your spouse rate your submission?

In my devotional on November 7 titled “Fireproof Your Marriage,” I mentioned that City On A Hill Church is hosting a 6 week marriage series by that name on Saturdays at 6:00 pm EST, starting November 8.

Julia and I watched the outstanding movie “FIREPROOF” on November 6 at our local theater and then went to Week 1 of “Fireproof Your Marriage” on Nov 8. The title for that week was “He Said – She Said.”

GW Dameron’s message and the short DVD that we watched were wonderful. GW began by defining “fireproof” – capable of withstanding or preventing damage by fire. Then he listed these three Fireproof principles:

Fireproof Principle #1
Submit to one another. Marriage works best when both husband and wife give up their rights for the sake of the other.

Fireproof Principle #2
Marriage works best when we understand there are differences and treat each other accordingly. Ephesians 5:33 says, “Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.”

Fireproof Principle #3
Marriage works best when we remember that something more than marriage is taking place – we are living out a preview of our relationships with Jesus in heaven.

There is a neat resource mentioned in the movie called “The Love Dare.” You can learn more about this at today’s Link of the Day.

If you live in Culpeper and are available at 6 pm on Saturday November 15, consider coming to Week 2 of Fireproof Your Marriage at City On A Hill Church [http://cityonahillculpeper.org], located in the same building as the AT&T cellular business on Route 522, adjacent to Yowell Meadow Park.

Prayer Power
Heavenly Father, thank You for creating the institution of marriage. Help each of us who is married to understand and apply the 3 principles above. Thank You for bringing “Fireproof My Marriage” to Culpeper. May several of my readers choose to come to that on Saturday nights. May some of my readers choose to take The Love Dare. Thank You Jesus. Amen and hallelujah!

Link of the Day
The Love Dare, Chapter 1 – great resource to break through in your marriage

Blessings to apply the 3 principles above to Fireproof your marriage if you are married!

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