What does Joshua 24:14-15 mean? Who is your house, your family serving? Who is sitting on the throne of your life, you or Jesus? Whose kingdom are you building, yours or the kingdom or God? Are you hot, cold, or lukewarm in your relationship with Jesus?
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RSS feed for this sectionDay 2 of The Love Dare: Love is Kind
On May 10, I began a 40 day series based on the book The Love Dare, a 40-day challenge for husbands and wives to understand and practice unconditional love. Whether your marriage is hanging by a thread or healthy and strong, The Love Dare is a journey you need to take. Today’s message is “Love […]
Day #8 of 30 Days to Breakthrough – BE Outstanding!
Welcome to Day #8 of your “30 Days To Breakthrough” journey. Today we begin a new 7 day series about Stewarding Your Talent. Today’s topic is BE Outstanding! According to John G. Miller, a world leader in teaching about personal accountability, “People fire organizations!” Have you ever been fired before by any of your clients? […]
Secrets To Achieve A 30-60-100 Fold Increase In 12 Months
In his parable about sowing and reaping and the four different types of soil, Jesus said “But he who received seed on the good ground is he who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and produces: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.” (Matthew 13:23) So our question to you is […]
30 Days To Breakthrough
Learn More, Earn More, And Experience More Joy In Your Life By Journaling “30 Days To Breakthrough.” The purpose of this free E-course is to TRANSFORM you, not merely inform you. But for that to happen you must do your part. Check it out. This may turn out to be one of the best decisions […]
How much FAITH do you have and how much do you want?
Wow! Yippee! Hooray! That’s how I feel right now. My spirit is jumping for joy. Why? Because I’m experiencing breakthroughs and also because I experience God in extraordinary ways for extraordinary fruit almost every day. And this morning was no exception. Let me explain.
The Power of Less
I want to start off this new year and new decade by sharing with YOU one of the most profound messages about habits I have ever come across. What one new habit will you focus on in January 2010 to set the stage for the most fruitful year and decade of your life?
What do you want for Christmas more than anything else? What is your greatest heart’s desire? Sometimes you don’t even know what that one thing is that would bring you total fulfillment, but guess what… God knows. He knows because He planted it in your heart before the foundation of the world. What could that […]
#WFJ: The $14,4000 Miracles
Come experience the excitement of our vibrant, online, world-wide community (TRIBE) that is changing lives to disciple nations. During this life-changing, world-changing webinar, we shared what I consider to be my biggest God story for the past 7 years – “The $14,400 Miracles.”
“The $14,400 Miracles” webinar – sharing my biggest God story of past 7 years
Come experience the excitement of our vibrant, online, world-wide community (TRIBE) that is changing lives to disciple nations. During this life-changing, world-changing webinar, we will be sharing what I consider to be our biggest God story for the past 7 years – “The $14,400 Miracles.”