Archive | America

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Sunday Inspiration: America Restored is released

13 Apr

After months of work we had a soft launch and release of the Statesman’s Handbook of America Restored at the Shepherd’s Table in Leesburg on April 10. The other document released is our first voter guide. God’s timing and providence is amazing because after months of hard work, Gary happened to release his video on […]


19 Dec

What do you want for Christmas more than anything else? What is your greatest heart’s desire? Sometimes you don’t even know what that one thing is that would bring you total fulfillment, but guess what… God knows. He knows because He planted it in your heart before the foundation of the world. What could that […]

#WFJ: The $14,4000 Miracles

12 Dec

Come experience the excitement of our vibrant, online, world-wide community (TRIBE) that is changing lives to disciple nations. During this life-changing, world-changing webinar, we shared what I consider to be my biggest God story for the past 7 years – “The $14,400 Miracles.”

“The $14,400 Miracles” webinar – sharing my biggest God story of past 7 years

10 Dec

Come experience the excitement of our vibrant, online, world-wide community (TRIBE) that is changing lives to disciple nations. During this life-changing, world-changing webinar, we will be sharing what I consider to be our biggest God story for the past 7 years – “The $14,400 Miracles.”

#WFJ: The Spiritual Triangle Between Virginia, the U.K. And Italy

05 Dec

You’re invited to watch Team Destiny’s INAUGURAL “Words From Jesus: How To Hear God’s Voice” webinar launch. Listen to what I consider to be my BIGGEST GOD STORY of 2009.

Reclaim 7 Mountains of Culture

24 Nov

To disciple a nation you need a philosophy that governs all aspects of behavior yet is flexible enough to apply to all sectors of society. What are the sectors of society the gospel must penetrate in order to disciple nations? There are in fact seven mountains or world kingdoms that make up the matrix in […]

WFJ: I AM Smiling Down Upon You

02 Oct

Randy, what you have done with the 6 new people in the Prosper Now 777 course is huge. You and your team have helped them load their own space shuttles on the launching pads and now their rockets are firing to launch them forward into their destinies. That makes Me smile. I have blessed you […]