To disciple a nation you need a philosophy that governs all aspects of behavior yet is flexible enough to apply to all sectors of society. What are the sectors of society the gospel must penetrate in order to disciple nations? There are in fact seven mountains or world kingdoms that make up the matrix in […]
Archive by Author
What has God been saying to you?
Yesterday, I opened an email that Lynne Lee sent to our Coaches Mastermind Group the day before. In her simple email, Lynne asked two profound questions. Her first question, “What has God been saying to you?” impacted me enormously this morning. Here is Lynne’s email and a link to the LORD’s answer to me – […]
Discover How To Improve Family Dynamics Over the Holidays
Dreading the holiday season? 5 Secrets to Turning Strife-filled Family Dynamics into Fresh Family Connections – with Joy – and Immediately! Yes, you really can experience a brand new family dynamic this Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday season. You have the power to change the atmosphere. Veronica will show you how.
A Huge Transition In Power And Wealth Is Taking Place
About a year ago, I listened to a BlogTalkRadio show with Erik Olson. I don’t remember what his primary topic was supposed to be that day, but Erik ended up talking about something much different for the first half hour or so of his show. Erik said that over the next ten years there will […]
Finally, I recorded and posted the audio for my life story
Yesterday I had one of the most bizarre days of my life, in a good sense. Then this morning, I had a very powerful and humbling 2-way dialog with the LORD. In follow up to that, I posted a new message at Journal777 titled “You’re being a know-it-all is what’s getting in your way!”
“Prospects Seduction Blueprint” teleseminar by Kevin Nations + BONUS
During our biweekly Coaches Mastermind Group call this morning, Lynne Lee shared a testimony of how Kevin Nations’ free telecall on October 29 resulted in an immediate and complete mind shift regarding her value and expertise. That in turn resulted in significant financial fruit in less than 24 hours. I experienced something similar. Our Mastermind […]
Opportunities to invest in yourself and the Kingdom of God
As a global CONNECTOR in Christ, I delight in connecting people, ideas, and resources. I realize that many of the connections shared are not meant for most of my followers. But hopefully, when the right opportunity comes your way at the right time, you will have the spiritual discernment and courage to seize that. Over […]
Four Weeks To Freedom
Has fear kept you from the God-given destiny planted inside of you? Want to overcome the paralysis of fear and live the life of your dreams now? Are you ready to take on fear and win? Carrie Stone will personally teach you to do just that! And she’ll do it in just four weeks using […]
The Sheep Are Starving
I keep hearing again and again in my spirit, “The sheep are starving.” This raises three important questions. 1) What do we feed God’s sheep? 2) How often are we supposed to feed God’s sheep? 3) How can we feed so many starving sheep with limited resources?
Aloha from the beautiful island of Maui, Hawaii
Yesterday afternoon, Julia and I arrived safely in Maui after a long day of flying. Two friends from Culpeper came in on a different flight and have joined us for the first 8 days of our 2-week vacation. Julia competes in the Xterra World Triathlon Championship on Maui on Oct 25.