Archive by Author

Reclaim 7 Mountains of Culture

24 Nov

To disciple a nation you need a philosophy that governs all aspects of behavior yet is flexible enough to apply to all sectors of society. What are the sectors of society the gospel must penetrate in order to disciple nations? There are in fact seven mountains or world kingdoms that make up the matrix in […]

Discover How To Improve Family Dynamics Over the Holidays

17 Nov

Dreading the holiday season? 5 Secrets to Turning Strife-filled Family Dynamics into Fresh Family Connections – with Joy – and Immediately! Yes, you really can experience a brand new family dynamic this Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday season. You have the power to change the atmosphere. Veronica will show you how.

“Prospects Seduction Blueprint” teleseminar by Kevin Nations + BONUS

05 Nov

During our biweekly Coaches Mastermind Group call this morning, Lynne Lee shared a testimony of how Kevin Nations’ free telecall on October 29 resulted in an immediate and complete mind shift regarding her value and expertise. That in turn resulted in significant financial fruit in less than 24 hours. I experienced something similar. Our Mastermind […]

Opportunities to invest in yourself and the Kingdom of God

04 Nov

As a global CONNECTOR in Christ, I delight in connecting people, ideas, and resources. I realize that many of the connections shared are not meant for most of my followers. But hopefully, when the right opportunity comes your way at the right time, you will have the spiritual discernment and courage to seize that. Over […]