Archive by Author

Loves Like A Hurricane

25 Jan

Yesterday I hosted a webinar titled “The Story Behind The Story: Ken McArthur and The Impact Manifesto.” During that webinar, Ken shared one of the most inspiring stories offering HOPE I have ever heard. Then this morning I received an email from Doug Spada that reached to the core of my being and brought tears […]

Sunday Inspiration: Your Three Brains

22 Jan

When I was talking recently to a Master’s Mind Marketing partner, I was told about a recent TV interview of Aiko Hormann by Patricia King called Three Brains. From what Aiko Hormann shared, I learned that we each have Three Brains, including the head brain, the gut brain, and the heart brain. I also learned […]

Do you have these questions too?

09 Jan

I just received this email from my good friend Lynne Lee and decided to share this opportunity with my followers for coach training. Lynne is my top contact in the U.K. and one of my top two contacts in Europe. She is a devoted wife, mother of 5 children, outstanding life coach, and internet marketing […]

Please join me in interceding for Tim Tebow

07 Jan

Yesterday I received the American Family Association’s ACTION newsletter for January 2012 in the mail. What was written on the outside of that envelope grabbed my attention. What Tim Wildmon wrote about the Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow really struck a cord with me. This morning while I was lying in bed, the Holy Spirit […]

How to drive secularists crazy

06 Jan

The following message from Tim Wildmon, AFA President, is an unabridged copy of the January 2012 ACTION newsletter that arrived in my mailbox on January 6, 2012. Secularists in America are angry at Christians. Not all Christians, but Christians like you and me, who strive to live our faith outside the four walls of the […]

Happy New Year from Joseph and Julia Peck

31 Dec

It’s hard to believe another year has passed by so quickly. Yet the dawning of a new year brings much hope and anticipation. On December 8, Marlee Huber, founder of You Flourishing Life, sent me an email reply stating, “2012 will be a year of declarations and declaring favor should be our top priority!” This […]

The Twelfth Day of Christmas – INFLUENCE To Make A Big Difference

24 Dec

As mentioned in my email two days ago, I was on vacation at Hilton Head last week completing my new book, “Master’s Mind Marketing.” This book (Master’s Mind Marketing) was written to begin equipping you to release your stories and God ideas to the world. You matter and you were created to solve a problem […]