Happy New Year from Joseph and Julia Peck

31 Dec

It’s hard to believe another year has passed by so quickly. Yet the dawning of a new year brings much hope and anticipation.

For me the saddest event of the past year was the unexpected death of one of neighbors.

While 2011 was full of many happy moments and wonderful blessings, one of my favorite highlights was the opportunity to attend and speak at the Kingdom Economic Yearly Summit (KEYS) in February. Thank you Dr. Bruce Cook for opening that door.

I’m thankful for the many family get togethers we enjoyed and for the opportunity to meet so many wonderful people from around the world through the webinars I hosted. Thank you to all of you who chose to attend those.

On December 8, 2011, I sent an email to about 1,500 of my subscribers inviting them to a webinar later that evening titled “Keys to Supernatural Favor and Increase.” In response to my email, Marlee Huber, founder of You Flourishing Life, sent a reply stating:

2012 will be a year of declarations and declaring favor should be our top priority!

This evening after walking our dog Maui, I discovered a new email from Uncle Dick Kim, a wonderful man of God. His email is what prompted me to send you this email. He wrote:

Greetings, everyone, and Happy New Year!

This was an unexpected treat that we are delighted to share. The singer, Sissel, is a Norwegian soprano with an extraordinarily clear voice. There are other YouTube songs by her referenced on this one and they are beautiful.

The video is about 6 ½ minutes long … beautiful voice, and awesome photography!

Here’s to Auld Lang Syne, everyone!

The New Year lies before you, like a spotless tract of snow. Be careful how you tread on it, for every mark will show.

Blessings for a great start to the new year!

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