Archive by Author

Following God’s bread crumbs

22 May

On Sunday May 20, I published my Sunday Inspiration titled “The power of forgiveness and team (unity).” That led Marlene Smith to email me later that day to encourage me and refer me to the song “What A Friend We Have In Jesus.” The next morning I was prompted to publish another message by that […]

What A Friend We Have In Jesus

21 May

Yesterday morning, I sent my weekly Sunday Inspiration titled “The power of forgiveness and team (unity).” Based on the positive feedback I got from numerous people, that ministered powerfully to a lot of people. At 7:15 pm, I received an email from Marlene, one of my long-time friends. She wrote, “I wanted to say thank […]

Strategic Relocation: North American Guide To Safe Places

06 May

This video is worth your time and prayerful considerations. Blessings, Stevie // This exclusive 1:30 hour interview contains vital information for your family. Take advantage while you still can. Joel Skousen is a political scientist, by training, specializing in the philosophy of law and Constitutional theory, and is also a designer of high security residences […]

Sunday Inspiration: The Cornerstone of a Christian’s Faith

29 Apr

As I sat listening to today’s sermon at Soul Purpose Community Church, I felt compelled to share this recap with you because this message is foundational for followers of Jesus Christ. Jesus Is Alive, Again! The cornerstone of a Christian’s faith is the RESURRECTION of Jesus. It is the resurrection of Jesus Christ that separates […]

Be Equally Yoked in Business!

27 Apr

During the past few months, I have become good friends with Bill Murray and Rob Moss, the founders of the Christian Angel Capital Network (CACN). A few weeks ago, our Founding Father’s tribe had the privilege of having Bill join us as a guest expert for one of our weekly Master’s Mind Marketing meetings. Bill […]