Applying The G.R.O.W. Model

15 Jul

By simply asking the right questions, you can invite people into opportunities and possibilities.

And He said to them, “Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?” (Luke 2:49)

How do you try to influence people to make positive change?
How effective is your approach?

The Accelerated Coaching Training (ACT) class is having a profound impact on me in many ways, many of them unexpected. It’s making me take a hard look at how I steward my time and relationships – how I try to influence people. In the past, I have tried to do too much myself when trying to help people rather than allowing people to take ownership of their own goals and problems. Frequently the end result has been non-sustained changes.

I’m learning that a good coach provides energy for change and that the client must do most of the work himself if the change is to be sustained. I’m experiencing the power and effectiveness in allowing people to set their own goals. It’s important for goals to be voluntary.

The topic for discussion in my ACT class for week #5 was “Learning the G.R.O.W. Model” and the topic for week #6 was “Practicing the G.R.O.W. Model for Coaching Conversations.” GROW is an acronym that stands for:

G = Goal: The agenda – The coach clarifies the objective and allows the client to set the agenda. For example, the coach might begin a session by asking “What would you like to accomplish in this session?” Goals should be S.M.A.R.T. goals. As you may recall, that stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-Specific. It’s important for the client not to set goals he won’t meet. This is especially important early on.

R = Reality: The starting point – Where is the client at now? Draw out the facts.

O = Options: The possibilities – The coach fosters creative thinking by asking the right questions. This helps the client generate multiple potential solutions.

W = Will: The action steps – The coach asks for a specific commitment. For example, “What step will you take? What are the obstacles? What support do you need to succeed?”

How can you apply these principles in your own life?

Prayer Power
Heavenly Father, thank You for using the Accelerated Coaching Training class to shape me into a more effective leader. Bless today’s readers to learn to ask the right questions to invite people into opportunities and possibilities! Bless me with Your favor and wisdom necessary to empower many Christian life coaches to exponentially multiply their impact through the web. Thank You Jesus. Amen.

Link of the Day
The GROW Model – Coaching team members to improve performance
Blessings to learn to ask the right questions, you can invite people into opportunities and possibilities!