Breaking Through to Abundance

22 Jun

“Unless my friendship with God became my first priority I would never fulfill my true destiny as a Christian or leader.” – Bruce Wilkinson

“I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)

Are you bearing much fruit in all areas of your life?
If not, what simple steps can you take to move from striving to abiding?

You and I were born to live a life of abundance. In practical terms, fruit represents godly character and good works. God is glorified when we bear much fruit. (John 15:8)

In His deathbed message in John 15, Jesus uses the word “abide” ten times. (John 15:4-10)

A few years ago, I read Bruce Wilkinson’s book “Secrets of the Vine.” This life-changing book, which is a sequel to Bruce’s book “The Prayer of Jabez,” opened my eyes of understanding to the importance of daily abiding in Jesus.

Sharing real examples, Bruce explains four levels of fruitfulness for Christians – no fruit, some fruit, more fruit, and much fruit. Bruce goes on to explain how he had a major breakthrough from burnout to much fruit in his life and ministry when He recognized the importance of abiding. Around 1985, Bruce made three simple commitments to the LORD:

1) Get up at 5 a.m. every day to read my Bible
2) Write a full page in a daily spiritual journal
3) Learn to pray and seek Him until I found Him

Bruce goes on to say “The pleasures of abiding – and the extraordinary benefits – have redefined the scope and impact of God’s work through me. I see fruit everywhere I turn. Yet not even one grape is a result of working harder.” He shares that reading the Bible and praying daily do not necessarily ensure you are abiding.

I am currently taking a 15 week course called Accelerated Coach Training (ACT). As part of that, I am required to participate in two phone conference calls each week. One of those calls is with a group of six people and the other is with two peers. As peers we hold one another accountable, which is wonderful.

My primary goal from this ACT course is to firmly establish the 3 simple habits of Bruce Wilkinson that resulted in his major breakthrough.

Prayer Power
Jesus, I acknowledge that You are the vine and I’m a branch. I recognize that I can do nothing that will last for eternity without You. My heart’s desire is to bear much fruit for the glory of God. Please help me now to firmly establish the 3 simple habits of Bruce Wilkinson. Thank You Jesus! I love You and bless Your holy name. Amen.

Link of the Day
Bruce Wilkinson – “teaching for lasting life change” []

Blessings to break through to abundance!