The Glory of Easter

08 Apr

 “Every person, every family, every community, every culture, every nation … needs The Story.” – Marie Umidi

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. (John 11:25)

Have you ever committed your life to Jesus?
If so, how is Jesus’s resurrection impacting you and your family?

Today, on Easter Sunday, more people will attend worship services in churches than any other day of the year. Why is Easter so special?

For most of my life, Christmas was my favorite day of the year. My parents always made the Christmas season special. I particularly liked how the atmosphere seemed full of love, joy, and peace for several weeks each year before Christmas during the Christmas season.

Following my spiritual rebirth in early 2001, Easter became my favorite day of the year. Why? Because I experienced God’s resurrection power in my own life and family. When Jesus rose from the dead, He conquered sin and death, offering eternal life to those who believe in Him.

Of all the prophets of old, only Jesus is alive. Mohammed is dead. Budda is dead. Confucious is dead. And every day around the world, spiritual resurrections and transformations are taking place as people surrender their lives to Jesus.

This year, Easter has been particularly special. On the evening of April 2, the start of Passover, I had my very first Seder meal ever on Mount Nebo in Jordan overlooking Jerusalem. Passover, an eight-day holiday, commemorates the Israelites’ exodus from Egypt and release from bondage.

On April 3, I visited the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem, which may been the site where Jesus was crucified, buried, and rose from the dead. It was the most peaceful place I visited in Israel.

Yesterday, Julia (my wife), Julia’s mother, Julia’s identical twin sister and two children, and I drove seven hours round-trip to Chrysler Hall in Norfolk to watch The Play [] – the story about the man called Jesus. While driving back home, we listened to and sang praise songs together. We stopped to have dinner with my daughter and her friend in Williamsburg.

It’s amazing to sit back and think about how much Jesus has changed the lives of so many of my family members in less than seven years. The choices we are making and the unity we are experiencing comes only through the power of the Holy Spirit within us. In 2001, when I said “Jesus I commit my life to You,” He took me seriously and came in to dine with me (Rev 3:20).

Prayer Power
Jesus, I praise You as the resurrection and the life. Today, may many people come to know You as their personal LORD and Savior.

Link of the Day
10 story ideas for Easter and Passover []

Blessings to know the power of His resurrection!