Sunday Inspiration: The Five Signs of Life

29 Sep

A good example is worth a thousand sermons.” – Abraham Lincoln

Last Sunday Pastor Mark Jenkins preached an inspiring sermon at Mountain View Community Church titled “The Five Signs of Life.” This was the official launch of a 40-day journey for the people at MVCC using Dr. David Jeremiah’s book “Signs of Life.”

On Sep 17-18, I went to Page Memorial Hospital in Luray for 2 days to renew my ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support) certification. One of the things taught is how to determine if there is life in our physical bodies.

But what are the signs of life for a Christian?
What does it mean to be alive spiritually?
If you were on trial for being a Christian, what evidence would there be to convict you?

According to David Jeremiah, there are 5 telltale signs of life including: 1) Dusty shoes, 2) Worn-out knees, 3) Rolled-up sleeves, 4) Open hands, and 5) Outstretched arms.

1) Dusty shoes – Living a relevant life

“faith without works is dead” (James 2:20)

To get our shoes dusty, we have to go places. The keyword is GO.

In July 1999, I left Culpeper Hospital after working there full-time as an anesthesiologist for 12 years. A year and a half later I committed my life to Christ. When I went back to work as a locum tenens anesthesiologist (subbing at several hospitals), the difference I made was profound because I was now working as unto the LORD.

2) Worn-out knees – Living a yielded life

It’s been said, “When man works, man works. When man prays, God works!”

I believe in the power of prayer because I’ve seen many incredible answers to prayer. I pray throughout my day, when I get up in the morning, when I drive, when I listen to people, when I coach people etc.

You are a spirit with a body, not a body with a spirit. The significance of this is huge. You can’t separate your spirit and the rest of your life, including your work. If you do, you will feel and be out of balance.

If you want greater faith and a more active prayer life, then hang around people who excel in those areas.

3) Rolled-up sleeves – Living an authentic life

The Bible says, “the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” (Matthew 20:28)

Mother Theresa was one of the greatest examples of a servant leader in the entire 20th century. She was an ordinary woman of small stature, yet she chose to respond as best as she could to the needs of those around her. She laid down her life, giving hope to the hopeless. As a result, Mother Theresa impacted leaders in many spheres of society including government, education, media, etc.

We get our greatest joy serving others.

4) Open hands – living a generous life

Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give that to receive.” (Acts 20:35)

The $200 miracle story (video)

So my question to you is “What is in your hand?

In all likelihood, you have a special gift in your hand right now that can bless many people if you release it.

5) Outstretched arms – Living a compassionate life

What does it mean to live a compassionate life?

Compassionate is about the moment – meeting a need the moment you see it. Compassion is contagious.

Story of Good Samaritan  (Luke 10:25-37) – Short video

More blessings

1) See You Again

Carrie Underwood Pulls a Little Girl (Wearing Cowboy Boots) on Stage for a Duet (YouTube video)

Blessings to manifest the five signs of life!


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