
The Elk River Story – A Personal Testimony

26 Aug

It’s the presence of God that changes us and our circumstances!

And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.” (Matthew 28:18)

The “Great Commission” actually begins with Jesus declaring that He has all authority both in heaven and on earth. Jesus also told His disciples “Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do …” (John 14:12) This promise is conditional on one thing – belief in Jesus.

Last night I re-read Ed Silvoso’s book “Prayer Evangelism.” Silvoso teaches: “A manifestation of the power of God leads people to God. The manifestation of power must precede the dispensation of wisdom. This is the heart of prayer evangelism. Sinners are captive in Satan’s dominion, and only a power encounter can set them free. When unexpected, undeserved, and much-needed good happens to the lost, they then become interested in knowing the identity of their benefactor.”

Two weeks ago, I went for a 38 mile bicycle ride with Tim Smith Sr. During that ride we passed by a large farm owned by some friends of ours. I prayed for God to bless that family with joy and laughter and love that won’t let go and God’s peace that passes all understanding. Five days later while I was on my long drive home, my wife called me to ask me to pray for one of the adult female children of this farm family. Within two hours, God had completely re-ordered my wife’s plans and miraculously crossed my wife’s path with that of this young lady we had prayed for. My wife invited the girl and her boyfriend to our marriage LIFE group and Pray Culpeper meeting. They came. By August 20, both of these young adults, who previously were unemployed, had found jobs.

Then, to add to this miracle, the young man turned out to be a skilled construction worker. We hired him to build shelves and hang drywall for our garage which will allow my wife to start her new international coffee roasting business sooner.

Are you expecting and experiencing extraordinary miracles every day?
If not, what can you do to increase your faith in Jesus?

Prayer Power
LORD, there is none like you. Where Your presence is, miracles happen. Thank You for blessing me to seek Your face every day and to dwell in the house of the Almighty. Thank You for teaching me how to practice the presence of God. Thank You for Your miraculous answers to prayer. Continue to increase my faith in Jesus daily. B’Shem Yeshua (In the name of Yeshua), Amen.
Link of the Day
Prayer Evangelism – book by Ed Silvoso

Blessings for experience extraordinary miracles to become ordinary in your life!

Others sites of interest: Transformation North Carolina [http://transformationnc.org]


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