
The Dream Giver

13 Nov

Everyone has a dream!

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you” (Jeremiah 1:5)

What dream did the Dream Giver plant in your heart before He formed you in the womb?
What’s keeping you from pursuing your dream?

In my November 9 devotional, I shared a few of the many breakthroughs we have had as a result of our weekly prayer conference calls for Marching Through Culpeper. In the process of putting together a document (file) summarizing these calls, I discovered a missed action step – to buy and read The Dream Giver book by Bruce Wilkinson.

In the late afternoon of November 9, Julia (my wife) and I drove to Charlottesville for a “date day,” including dinner with our son who attends the University of Virginia. I told Julia I was willing to go shopping with her before joining our son. She happened to choose to stop at Barnes and Noble – something we’ve never done before. The Holy Spirit reminded me about The Dream Giver, which I bought and promptly devoured in less than 24 hours.

In his endorsement of Bruck Wilkinson’s book, Pastor Rick Warren states, “Bruce Wilkinson is the biggest dreamer I’ve ever met. If you want to learn to dream big for the Kingdom of God, listen to Bruce.” Coming from a big dreamer like Rick Warren, that endorsement means a lot.

Here is what the book jacket of The Dream Giver says:

Everyone has a dream! You may not be able to describe it. You may have forgotten it. You may even no longer believe in it. But it’s there.

Meet Ordinary, a Nobody, who leaves the Land of Familiar to pursue his Big Dream. Once the Dream Giver convinces him to escape his Comfort Zone, Ordinary begins the journey of his life – overcoming Border Bullies, navigating the Wasteland, and battling the fierce Giants in the Land.

This modern-day parable will get you started on your own daring adventure. What may first seem like a road full of obstacles is actually a series of opportunities to help you along toward your destiny. Best-selling author Bruce Wilkinson will serve as your Dream Coach, offering insights and practical solutions.

It’s time to begin the journey of your life. May your heart sing as you embrace everything God has loving planted there.

Prayer Power
Heavenly Father, every believer has a unique role in the Body of Christ. Help us to understand and fulfill those roles and to work together as a team, according to Your purposes, not ours. Help us to make our decisions based on your Word and godly counsel, not whims of emotion. Protect our minds from evil deception and lures of this world. May we cherish the journey, not just the destination. Keep our eyes focused on You Jesus. Thank You. Amen.

Link of the Day
Think Big! – by Dr. Victor L. Powell [http://www.vlpthinkbig.com]

Blessings to pursue the dream God placed in your heart before you were born!