The Call DC on August 16

13 Aug

“When there is no hope, when there is no remedy, God still has a holy prescription!” – Lou Engel

Blow the trumpet in Zion, Consecrate a fast, Call a sacred assembly (Joel 2:15)

Can a nation be changed in one day?

As I write today’s devotional, my heart is broken – extremely broken. Last Thursday (August 7), I happened to attend the monthly Shepherd’s Table meeting at Prison Fellowship in Loudoun County, Virginia for the first time in a year. One of the guest speakers was Paul Amabile, the Director of Church Relations and Friends for The Call. Paul moved to Washington DC in April 2008 to prepare and plan for The Call DC that takes place on August 16, 2008.

50 million babies killed every yearThe first thing Paul shared when he spoke is that The Call DC on August 16 is a fast, not a feast – a call to a solemn assembly. Because I happened to be sitting at Paul’s table after he spoke, I had the opportunity to talk to him at length. Paul told me that not only have 50 million babies been killed through abortion in the U.S. since the controversial Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision in 1973, but 50 million babies die EACH YEAR as a result of abortion world-wide.

Let’s put this genocide in perspective. According to Wikipedia, “the total estimated human loss of life caused by World War II was roughly 72 million people, making it the deadliest and most destructive war in human history. The civilian toll was around 47 million, including 20 million deaths due to war-related famine and disease. The military toll was about 25 million, including the deaths of about 4 million prisoners of war in captivity. The Allies lost approximately 61 million people, and the Axis powers lost 11 million.”

It’s interesting to me that this year’s solemn assembly is taking place in the middle of the Beijing Olympics, a feel good time for America and the world. It’s also interesting that Rick Heeren happens to be flying in to Virginia to launch Transformation Virginia []

When The Call last came to The Mall in Washington DC in 2000, 400,000 people came to fast and pray for America. This year with a more severe cloud of darkness looming over America, I expect many more people will show up from 10 am – 10 pm for The Call DC. This morning while praying during our morning group devotional time, I realized that God honored The Call DC that took place in 2000 when one year later (Sept 11, 2001) the plane that was supposed to fly down The Mall and take out the U.S. Capitol crashed in Pennsylvania instead.

Two weeks ago during our daily devotional time, I showed my web workers the 3 minute video on the home page of I told them that as people less than 35 years old, they are survivors – that only 2 out of 3 babies conceived during their lifetimes survived to their birth. As a result, at least two of my web workers (and maybe all 3) will be going to The Call DC on August 16.

Spend 3 minutes today watching the short video on the home page at today’s Link of the Day. Even if you can’t come, you can watch The Call DC live via Directv Channel 365 or online at  Learn more…

Even if you can’t come to The Mall on Aug 16, you can still fast and pray that day for America to turn back to God. Help spread the word through viral email and social marketing. It’s time to tear down the altar of death. We stand at the hinge of history.
I leave you with this thought. Many times when driving home four hours from Giles Memorial Hospital to Culpeper during 2004-2006, I passed by a home with a large sign in the front yard stating, “If you’re pregnant, it’s a baby!”

Prayer Power
Abba, Father, we praise You as the author of Life. LORD forgive us and have mercy on us in America and around the world for allowing the murder of so many babies. Overthrow this altar of death by raising up a rebellion and a revolution of young people who will take a stand for You. It’s in Your name Jesus, pray and cry. Amen and hallelujah!

Link of the Day
The Call – watch the 3 minute heart-wrenching video on the home page

Blessings to respond in some way to The Call DC!

The Call DC on August 16, 2008

The Luke 18 Project

The most inspirational hero to me in the Olympics has been Michael Phelps, a 23 year old raised by a single mom. Not only has he already won 5 gold medals in 5 events, but in each race he has eclipsed the world record. It’s hard to believe one person can excel so much over the rest of the competition of the world.