Sunday Morning Inspirations: Pray and Obey

16 Jan

Listen, trust, and obey!

Several times while two-way journaling during the past month, the LORD has told me, “Listen, trust, and obey!” To walk in the Spirit, it’s vital to listen to God, trust it’s really Him speaking to you, and then obey what He tells you.

The keyword this week is “HEAR“. The key message is “Pray and Obey!” And the key scripture is John 10:27 – “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.

When you learn how to hear Jesus speaking to you and teaching you everything you need to know, He will totally transform your life.

You really can hear God speak. Anybody can hear God speaking to them. The reality is that you already hear God. It is just that you’re not used to recognizing that it’s God speaking to you. God really wants you to hear His voice even more than you want to hear Him speaking to you.

God actually wants to talk to us. The God of the universe, Almighty God, all powerful God chose to have conversations with His people all the way through the Bible.

And Jesus said, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” God is a speaking God. He speaks to His people and He wants you to hear Him. God longs to have a relationship with you. A good relationship is built on two-way communication. God is actually talking to you all the time and you can hear Him once you learn how to recognize His voice and tune in.

During TeamDestiny777’s Master’s Mind Prayer Call on Wed Jan 5, Nancy Slocum shared with our team that Creflo Dollar says the key to his success is “Pray and Obey.”

Highlights this past week

1) On Wed Jan 12, I hosted Charles Robinson on a free webinar titled “Taking Your Company To The Next Level Spiritually.” That was outstanding.

2) On Jan 14-16 I had the privilege of participating in the annual CMDA Northeast Winter Conference at Sandy Cove on the northeast side of the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland. Sandy Cove is an oasis to experience God. I’d estimate there were 130 Christian medical students, physicians, and other allied health professionals there for a weekend of fellowship, worship, and inspirational messages.

During that wonderful conference, Dr. David Kim shared four outstanding presentations in his series titled “Faithful God, Faithful Presence.” Dr. David Kim is the cofounder and executive director of Beacon Christian Community Health Center in Staten Island, New York’s first (and currently only) faith-based federally and state supported community health center.

CLICK HERE to see photos hot off the press.

Pray and obey

Related messages

Upcoming Events

1) In my Sunday Morning Inspiration on Jan 9, I mentioned that Lynne Lee and I expected to launch the “How To Hear God Speak” Coaching Program later that week. However, we decided to wait one more week to have all the online training and coaching in place.

So be expecting some emails later this week inviting you to watch our free webinar and then sign up for our 8-module coaching program teaching you “How To Hear God Speak.” Those who sign up in time will be invited to participate in a webinar with Patricia King titled “Sacred Time – Sacred Place.”

More Blessings

1) Be Thou My Vision The Mandate Worship Video with lyrics

2) How He Loves Us – Kim Walker / Jesus Culture – video

3) WFJ: Your sound of the trumpet: 222! by Renato Amato

Prayer Power
Heavenly Father, thank You for an awesome week. Thank You for reuniting me with other Christian physicians this past weekend. Thank You for Sandy Cove, an oasis is the desert! Thank You for the ability to hear Your voice so I can obey on a moment by moment basis. Thank You that my heart pants after you like a deer after water. I pray that you will richly bless the launch of the “How To Hear God Speak” Coaching Program later this week. It’s in your precious name, Jesus, I pray. Amen and Hallelujah!

Blessings to pray and obey!

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