Sunday Inspiration: My Favorite Graduation

13 May

My Favorite Graduation

Dear friend,

Yesterday, I had the privilege of attending my niece Olivia’s graduation ceremony at Messiah College in Pennsylvania, south of Harrisburg.

The day was gorgeous with a deep blue sky and the temperature in the high 70’s.

The processional was wonderful onto the beautiful soccer field. We watched the ceremony from the bleachers above the field.

When President Kim Phipps welcomed people and then said the opening prayer herself, I told my son that God will show up in power when He’;s publicly invited to do so. And He did.

Following the prayer, as associate professor read a scripture – Psalm 103:1-5, 19-22.

Then the concert choir sang two beautiful Christian songs.

And then the keynote speaker was introduced – Raymond Barfield, M.D., a pediatric oncololgist at Duke Univesity who cares for many children with terminal cancer.

Dr. Barfield’s graduation speech was the best one I had ever heard. Many others agreed. He spoke with humility, transparency, and simplicity. His take-away message was love, love, love

And his key scripture was 1 John 4:18 – “perfect love casts out fear

I was very impressed by the history of Messiah College, its mission, motto, and foundation values. See The Community Covenant of Messiah College

The college motto, “Christ Preeminent,” points to a full and rich understanding of Jesus Christ and the Christian faith relevant to every dimension of life. The phrase points to Jesus Christ as both “the ground for personal salvation and the pattern for life and service.”

Blessings to love, love, love!

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