
Sunday Inspiration: It’s easy to see other people’s blind spots

19 Aug

If God asked you to pass the baton of your Kingdom Mandate today, would you?

Last week, I shared a link to powerful video teaching by Kevin McCarthy about “The POWER of Your Two-Word Purpose Statement.” I received a lot of good feedback from that. One of my friends wrote back saying,

Thanks so much for sending this link this morning! I’ve listened to it carefully and have taken notes on each slide. It’s perfect for where I’m at right now. I’ve written many 2-Word Purpose Statements since I’ve listened, but it’s narrowing it down to one that really says it all. I realize it will be the launching place for my next season in God’s plans. I’m so blessed that He quickened it to you this morning. It’s the very thing I’ve needed. This truly has been one of those “Inspirational Surprises” you prayed for me to have this weekend! Thank you for following through on the unction the Holy Spirit gave you. You’re a great treasure and blessing in my life.

The On-Purpose PalThis past week, I had the privilege of talking to Kevin McCarthy twice privately. Wow! What an extraordinary purpose coach.

Kevin is currently coaching me on my two-word purpose statement. While the dust isn’t settled yet, currently I have “EMPOWERING FAITH.” That seems to fit well with what I’ve known for about a decade – that my life purpose is to be a great salesman for the Word of God – for Jesus and the Bible.

This also fits well with what I’ve heard the LORD tell me several times during my two-way journaling, namely that my sweet spot is coaching people to journal to hear Gods’ voice.

So what? Now what?

More than anything else, God wants His children to know Him – to be in intimate communion with Him. He is the source of true and everlasting POWER. Jesus is the Vine and the Father is the Vinedresser.

In Chapter 13 of her book Sound Alignment titled “Remember Your First Love,” Cheryl-Ann Needham writes:

Intimacy is the Qualification!

In my role with Kingdom Advance Leaders (KALs), I have witnessed a pattern of traits that are both to their benefit as well as deficit. A typical KAL holds two scriptures in high regard:

The parable of the talents (Matthew 24:14-30)
“Faith without works is dead” (James 2:17)

KALs walk in a tremendous fear of God regarding investing their time, talents, and treasures while adding works to their faith. In short, they are the “do-ers” in the Body of Christ, eager to offer their hands, business plans, connections, and acumen. They are disciplined, conscientious, and always “on task.”

The converse of these amazing abilities is that the intimacy aspect of knowing the Father can sometimes escape them, preferring to “do for God” rather than to “be with God.” Being quiet, listening to His voice, simply enjoying the Presence of their Heavenly Abba is sometimes too much for a mover and shaker. It can simply be too personal.

When we observe other people’s behavior, it’s easy to see their blind spots, areas where they are deficient that are hurting their success. But if you and I take an honest look in the mirror, we will see big blinds spots, areas where we fall far short that are hurting our success. The LORD is currently working on my daily habits to make me a better leader.

During my two-way journaling time on July 3, the LORD told me “YOUR SECRET to THRIVE is to teach others about DAILY DISCIPLINES!!!” And He reminded me of what He told me two weeks earlier

THE SECRET (June 20)
Joseph, thank you for your confession. Thank you for your honesty. Remember Janet Daughtry’s “one degree principle.” Little changes compounded over time make a big difference. Start making small changes today. Commit to your Sacred Time and Sacred Place and The 60-60 Experiment every day. No exceptions. Start these and other things will work themselves out. Clear your desk. Order brings clarity. Simplify your complicated life. That’s My counsel. That will work.

Blessings to be willing to take a close look in the mirror to notice your blind spots and for the courage to do something about those!

“When you listen from the heart you are truly present – when you begin judging – right or wrong – you are no longer present – you’re in EGO!” – Vickie Tyler

More blessings

1) Authority for Assignment: Releasing the Mantle of God’s Government in the Marketplace – Live webinar on Tues Aug 22 at 8 pm EST with Dr. Gordon E. Bradshaw and a distinguished group of panelists.

2) Today’s Word of the Day THRIVE (Aug 18) – Work on yourself and then you have the opportunity to work on others around you.

3) Today’s Word of the Day CONNECT

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