Sunday Inspiration: God’s Love Has No Limits – A COURAGEOUS Message

31 Jul

On the morning of July 26, I received an email from Dayspring Devotions titled :”God’s Love Has No Limits – A COURAGEOUS Message.” That titled immediately grabbed my attention and prompted my to open it. The email read

“I’m praying His unconditional love will touch your heart with all you need today.

This is how God showed His love among us: He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him. – 1 John 4:9

Share this powerful message featuring a clip from the movie COURAGEOUS, from the creators of Fireproof.

Visit to view the movie trailer and more!”


Ready Or Not, Here It Comes! (Planet X, Sept 26-27, 2011)

In one week in early April 2011, I received emails from 4 different independent sources all alerting me to be on guard for major earthquakes (and tsunamis) in the Fall of 2011.

I learned that the major earthquakes in Chile (Feb 27, 2010), New Zealand (Sept 4, 2010), and Japan (Mar 11, 2011) each occured on a day when Planet X was in alignment with the earth and sun. The closest this has been to the earth was twice the distance from the earth to the sun.

On Sept 26-27, Planet X will pass between the earth and sun and will be five times closer to the earth than when the Japan earthquake happened. If Planet X is indeed a dwarf star, the gravitational pull on the earth will be substantial, possibly causing earthquakes that are 10-100x stronger than anything in recent history. In this case, the corresponding tsunamis might be more than 100 feet tall.

LEARN MORE and conduct your own investigation to determine how significant this is.


More blessings

1) Divided the Movie: Modern youth ministry is contrary to scripture – Will you take action to change that?

2) Validation

Blessings to be strong and of good courage!

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