Simple Truths Behind Simple Truths

07 Dec

“Less is almost always more!”- Mac Anderson

The LORD protects the simplehearted; when I was in great need, he saved me. (Psalm 116:6)

What can you let go of to simplify your life?

In the process of preparing yesterday’s devotional, I perused all the web pages at The website is simple, but very effective. Their new blog is the favorite one I have ever seen. Here is what the Mac Anderson says on his About Us page:

There is one thing in life that took me a long time to learn, and that’s… less is almost always more. This “simple truth” is the foundation on which our company was built. I wanted to create beautiful gift books that anyone can read in less than thirty minutes.

To make each book special, we focused on three things:
Great content
Great graphics
Great packaging to create a “wow effect”

We also chose not to offer our books in any bookstores or any retail outlets, to make it even more special as a gift.

Satisfied customers are our #1 priority, so I encourage you to give us feedback on how we’re doing. If we ever disappoint you, I hope you’ll let us know, and we will do everything we can to make it right.

We are honored to serve you!

Prayer Power
Heavenly Father, thank You that Your ways are simple ways and Your truths are simple truths. You teach that if we just seek Your Kingdom and Your righteousness first each day, then you will take care of our needs for that day. Help me to let go of things in my life that complicate it or that get in the way of my relationship with You. Thank You Jesus. I bless You and Your holy name. Amen and Hallelujah!
Link of the Day
Simple Truths blog

Blessings to let go of things and activities that clutter your life!