My Shameful Role with Abortions in the Past
No woman wants an abortion. Either she wants a child or she wishes to avoid pregnancy. – Author Unknown
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9)
Is there some way you can help your local pregnancy center (if there is one)?
“Amazing Grace” is one of my favorite songs because I realize God’s grace, and only God’s grace, is what “saved a wretch like me.” Even though I had gone to church my entire life, it wasn’t until I committed my life to Jesus that my spiritual eyes were opened to see the Kingdom of God. Before that, I couldn’t tell the difference spiritually between a grape and a watermelon.
In 1985 or 1986 while I was in my anesthesia residency at the Medical College of Virginia in Richmond, I did a mandatory month-long rotation through the outpatient surgery department. Many of the cases we did there were abortions. Until another anesthesia resident opted out of participating in abortions after I completed my rotation, I didn’t realize I had that option.
The lone gynecologist who did the abortions had little personality. He would first meet the abortion patients on the actual days of the procedures in the outpatient surgery area. Sometimes this occurred just 5-10 minutes before the patients were taken to the operating room. I never heard him tell a single patient that they had an option other than having the abortion. The patients had insufficient time to think about their major decisions. As a physician, I can tell you this would be a clear violation of “informed consent” policies if it was any other type of procedure.
In a typical day, this gynecologist might do about 15 abortions. Most of these patients were 16-20 weeks pregnant. On the average they would lose two pints of blood during the procedure. Some patients would lose more than four pints, all within a matter of minutes. A typical adult male only has about 10 pints of blood total.
With where I am now spiritually, I would refuse to work in any facility that did abortions. Fortunately, abortions were never done at any of the hospitals I worked after completing my residency.
Prayer Power
Father, I confess publically that I participated in many abortions during my residency and was wrong to do so. Thank You that the blood of Jesus is sufficient to wash me white as snow. Forgive the gynecologist who performed the abortions at MCV if he is still alive. Draw him to You. Please intervene to stop the deaths of so many unborn babies. Thank You Jesus. Amen.
Link of the Day
Option Line – Pregnancy Centers []
Blessings to know the truth and to have it set you free!
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