
Living in Your Sweet Spot

29 Oct

When you are doing what God has designed you to do, you can BE THE MIRACLE He has designed you to be.

But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” (1 Corinthians 2:9)

What is a sweet spot?
Where is your sweet spot?

In sports such as golf and tennis, we often hear about the “sweet spot.” In a music auditorium, the sweet spot is that place where the sound is perfectly balanced. But what exactly is a sweet spot in reference to people?

Before you were born, God had a plan for you. When you were a child, grown-ups often asked, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”

In Ephesians, Paul says that God made you for a purpose. Before you were born, God had a plan for you. Contrary to a commonly held belief, you were not a “blank slate.” From the very beginning, you have had something very distinctive and unique that you are specifically designed to do.

The world would want you to think that if you only work harder, take enough classes, or work more on your weaknesses, you can (or should) be able to create a skill or capability where you do not naturally have one. But there is a distinct difference between the things you can do and the things you love to do.

There is a recurring theme in what you love to do. This is your “sweet spot.” When you are doing what God has designed you to do, you can BE THE MIRACLE He has designed you to be.

By writing out several sweet spot experiences in your own life, you will have the opportunity to discover the fingerprints of God in your life.

A sweet spot can be defined as:
1) Things that come “naturally” to you
2) Activities that bring you satisfaction and give you a sense of accomplishment or joy
3) Something you did well (as you define well)

Prayer Power
Heavenly Father, just as parents want their children to know their intentions, so You want Your children to know Your intentions. Bless those who read this message to discover, celebrate, and live in their own sweet spots. Thank You Jesus. Amen.
Link of the Day
Cure for the Common Life: Living in Your Sweet Spot – by Max Lucado

Blessings to live in your sweet spot!

Much of today’s message comes from the workbook “Be a Miracle” that Larry Lotzer gave me from Hosanna Lutheran Church.