Important YDB Survey – Your Three Biggest LIFE Challenges

15 Jul


Take the Survey URL:
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Live Survey Results URL:
You may paste the above URL into any web page or email, and/or include a link to view closing page.



Dear friend,

Jesus said, “ASK, and it will be given to you” (Matthew 7:7a)

I’m currently taking an outstanding 8 week course led by Debra Thompson Roedl, one of the top Internet marketing strategists in the world. She stresses the importance of asking people questions to best meet their needs. While this seems intuitively obvious, this is my first official survey for subscribers to Your Daily Blessing.

Please take the 5-10 minutes necessary to complete this simple 3 step survey. This is both fun and enlightening.

Your confidentiality will be respected. While live survey results will be available online, no specific information for any participant will be given.

Thank you in advance.

Blessings for divine provision!

Dr. Randy Peck
“Blessed to be a blessing” Blessed to be a blessing Blessing millions of families to be a blessing to millions more Empowering leaders, businesses, and communities UNCOMMON Journaling for Breakthroughs UNCOMMON Internet Marketing Coaching UNCOMMON Coaching and Connections UNCOMMON Destiny Coaching

“If we don’t act on a good idea within 24 hours, we are less than 50% likely to ever act on it. If we haven’t acted on it inside of days, then we are less than 2% likely to ever act on it.” Bill Gates (Microsoft)

“Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be given unto you.” (Matthew 6:33)

What is your need?
What is your dream?
What is your DESTINY?



A) The three biggest challenges I’m facing for success right now are …

  1. SLOWING DOWN: Eliminating hurry from my life. Pace of life is too fast.
  2. HABITS: Establishing a godly daily or weekly routine
  3. REST: Getting enough sleep, sleeping well, and feeling rested most days
  4. REFLECTION: Learning quickly from past mistakes and failures
  5. REVELATION: Hearing from God and/or having UNCOMMON ideas
  6. LEVERAGE: Leveraging my time, money, and other resources
  7. ABIDING: Feeling close to Jesus and/or knowing Him personally
  8. PRAYER: Making time to pray and/or knowing how to pray
  9. DESTINY: Knowing what I’m called to do and living that out
  10. LIFE COACHING: Someone to ask powerful questions and hold me accountable
  11. MARRIAGE: Manifesting love, respect, and/or unity
  12. FINANCES: Reducing / eliminating debt; Having plenty to give generously, travel, etc.
  13. WELLNESS (Overall health and fitness): Caring for the only body I will ever have
  14. TIME: Being a good steward with my time, ideas, and opportunities
  15. FAMILY – Teaching my children to obey and/or make good choices
  16. BUSINESS: Promoting my business locally or globally; Locating a business opportunity
  17. WEB: Using the web efficiently and effectively
  18. LOVE: Manifesting God’s love in my most important relationships
  19. JOY: Appreciating and enjoying most days
  20. PEACE: Reducing stress
  21. Other – please specify

B) If you could ask any one question of a highly successful Christian leader or LIFE coach (one with expertise in any field or in any aspect of life or business), what would your question be?

C) What other feedback regarding Your Daily Blessing would you like to provide me?



Thank you again for your participation in this survey. I value and appreciate your input.

Please considering blessing your family, friends, and networks by inviting them to complete a similar survey online at This is a great opportunity to reflect on areas of life to grow in. A link for live survey results can also be found at this same web link.

Blessings for UNCOMMON breakthroughs!