Greater Kingdom Impact

18 Jul

More time with less people equals greater Kingdom impact!

So He Himself often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed. (Luke 5:16)

What is a Disciple? … and how do you make one?

Jesus spent the majority of his time with twelve disciples, not twelve hundred. There exists no better example of a godly leader than Jesus. He’s the gold standard, the mark we’re to aim for.

On his website, Patrick Morley, author of “The Man in the Mirror,” says:

First, what does it mean to be a disciple? In the Bible the word for disciple literally means “pupil” or “learner.” When applied to the early Christians, it came to mean someone who declared a personal allegiance to the teachings and person of Jesus. The life of a disciple revolves around Jesus.

Here’s a good working definition: A disciple is someone called to walk with Christ, equipped to live like Christ, and sent to work for Christ. Calling, equipping, sending. Visit today’s Link of the Day to read the rest of Morley’s outstanding explanation of these three aspects of a disciple’s life.

As a husband and a father, God expects me to disciple my own family members. That means my wife and children. I’ve discovered first hand that prayer must be at the foundation of all I do. Prayer paves the way for success in several ways. One of the first things it does is soften my own heart.

Prayer isn’t just some exercise I do or some tradition I follow. When I pray, I know I’m praying to the living and true God, the LORD God Almighty, the God who cares about the little things in my life as well as the big. He is gracious and merciful and compassionate. While He already knows my every need, He wants me to acknowledge His presence and my dependency on Him.

In this death bed message, Jesus said “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5) That’s pretty amazing – without Jesus, nothing we do will last for eternity.

Jesus also said “If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.” (John 15:7) To me that’s very appealing, to have God answer my prayers. But there’s a condition – I must “abide.” What does that really mean?

The word “abode” means home or dwelling. The word abide means to “dwell, continue, endure, last, remain, stay.” Jesus wants us to spend time with Him, lots of time. He wants us to enjoy His presence and our rest in Him. He wants us to fill our minds and hearts with his holy Word (scriptures). He wants us to think about Him continually throughout our days, no matter where we are or what we’re doing.

Many people pray microwave prayers. They wonder why many of their prayers are never answered. They are in such a hurry that they don’t have time to abide in Jesus and let His words abide in them. What about you? Are you caught up in the rat race? Do you know Jesus personally? Is he your friend? Your best friend? Do you want Him to be? Who can you ask to help disciple you?

Prayer Power
Loving Father, merciful God, my heart aches for all those who read this message and don’t know really know You. Please draw them to You. Open their eyes of understanding and reveal Yourself to them. For those who do know You and are struggling, please bring a friend into their lives to support, encourage, and hold them accountable in their walk with You. I pray for major breakthroughs in the families of those who read this message. I pray for major breakthroughs in the marketplace for those who read this message. Thy will be done! Thy Kindom come! For thine is the Kingdom, and the power, and the glory, Jesus. Amen and Hallelujah! Praise the LORD!

Link of the Day
What is a Disciple? … and how do you make one? – by Partrick Morley

Blessings to walk with Christ, be equipped to live like Christ, and be sent to work for Christ!

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