God’s SUPERNATURAL Highway of Communication
The Internet is God’s SUPERNATURAL highway of communication!!!!!
“for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” (Luke 19:10)
How effectively are you using the Internet to advance God’s Kingdom?
How effective is your website at marketing your business, organization, or church?
Two days ago, I shared a few uncommon revelations to bless you enormously. The first states: “The Internet is God’s SUPERNATURAL highway of communication!”
People often say the Internet is the superhighway of communication. However, it’s much more than that when used for God’s purposes. Ed Silvoso, founder of Harvest Evangelism, teaches that “the marketplace, which is the heart of the nation, has been redeemed and now it needs to be reclaimed.”
Just before Jesus died on the cross, He said “It is finished!” (John 19:30) But what exactly did He mean? Previously Jesus declared His life purpose when He said “for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” (Luke 19:10 and Matthew 18:11). Notice that Jesus said “that which was lost” and not “those who were lost.” That’s because Jesus died for the marketplace, not just people.
When Jesus rose from the dead on the first Easter Sunday, He redeemed three things that were lost in the Fall (Genesis 3):
1) Man’s vertical relationship with God
2) Man’s horizontal relationship with other people
3) The marketplace – The ground, representing the marketplace, was originally cursed in Genesis 3:17-18.
Most Christians are blind to the power of the web and God’s intentions regarding this supernatural highway of communication. If they weren’t, they would pour adequate resources (time, talent, and treasure) into a great website, apply Internet best business practices, and find someone to teach them how to connect with the rest of the Body of Christ.
When the enemy attacks, he always attacks communication first. For example, when the United States went to war against Afghanistan and Iraq, on day one of the actual fighting, we bombed the communication lines. If the web really is God’s supernatural highway of communication and the majority of marketing executives say the web is the hub of their marketing strategy, doesn’t it make sense to prioritize the web within your sphere of influence.
The larger your network, the more important communication becomes. While this seems obvious, many Christian leaders get caught up in the trap of busyness and work overload as their network grows because they don’t have the proper communication structure to support the growth.
Those who network the networks gain the most leverage. Leverage equals speed. It’s not good enough to just have a WORLD-CLASS website, even if you earn lots of revenue using it. God desires UNITY and wants to see His people connecting to like-minded people, organizations, and communities.
Prayer Power
Father, thank You for the Internet, Your supernatural highway of communication. Many people and businesses have abused the Internet, taking advantage of people. However, what the enemy meant for evil, you often turn around for good. Open the eyes of understanding of Your children to understand the power and significance of the Internet in these last days. Guide us to reclaim it for Your glory. Thank You Jesus.
Link of the Day
Marketing strategy – From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia [http://http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marketing_strategy]
Blessings to effectively use the Internet to advance God’s Kingdom!