Fully Engaged With My Friends

23 Sep

“Your very first friend should be God!” – Rev. Matt Gregory

Do not forsake your own friend (Proverbs 27:10)

What does it mean that your very first friend should be God?
What does it mean to be fully engaged with your friends?
How does that change your priorities?

Matt Gregory, my pastor, is currently preaching a series during September titled “Fully Engaged.” His message last Sunday was titled “Fully Engaged With My Friends.” That will be my topic for the remainder of this week. Next week’s topic will be “Fully Engaged With My Community.”

The key verse Matt chose for our September series is 2 Chronicle 16:9 – “For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.” I don’t know about you, but when God’s eyes are searching for a loyal friend, I want Him to find me.

A lot of people feel lonely. Loneliness is a symptom of a deeper problem, just like a warning light in a car is a symptom. Usually, if you want good friends, you must first be a good friend. Often, whatever you are looking for in your life, you must first give away. That’s the law of sowing and reaping.

Here are 5 action steps to engage my friends:
1) Position myself to have and be a friend
2) Prove to be loyal and encouraging
3) Play together
4) Pray specifically for my friends
5) Pursue opportunities to talk about God

We’ll discuss each of these later this week.

You know, friends help their friends. And yes, sometimes it even costs something. I’ve found that when I pay for something, I usually invest more time and energy to apply whatever I’m learning to my life. Anyhow, I want to make you aware of a special opportunity I’m offering to bless you. Each Thursday evening during the month of October I am personally leading an online course titled “UNCOMMON Social Marketing (Web 2.0).” If you are interested, I’d be grateful for your support.

Prayer Power
Heavenly Father, thank You that You are always fully engaged with us even if we aren’t fully engaged with You. Guide me to be fully engaged with You so that I may be fully engaged with my friends. Protect me from things that take my focus off of You.  Thank You for the trials in my life. In Jesus name, Amen. 

Link of the Day
UNCOMMON Social Marketing (Web 2.0) – Teaching Profitable Attraction Marketing

Blessings to be fully engaged with your friends!