FREE UNCOMMON Social Marketing (Web 2.0) Course

OK – you might be meeting your revenue goals (maybe) –
but are you getting your fair share of the profits from all your effort?
Or are you constantly wondering just where all the money went?
Do you find yourself on the continual “Gotta-get-more-sales” or “Raise-more-money”
treadmill while still not seeing an actual increase in bottom line profit?
How do you LEVERAGE other people’s time, money, talents, ideas, and relationships?
Where do YOU turn for a simple solution?
Web 2.0 – It’s at least 10-100 times more powerful than Web 1.0
Empower 2000 and JIREH Marketing, in partnership with Germanna Community College’s Center for Workforce, are offering a FREE five week webinar (web seminar) series titled “UNCOMMON Social Marketing (Web 2.0)” beginning October 2, 2008. The purpose is to help YOU understand how to unleash the POWER of the web in YOUR business or organization.
What is Social Marketing? It’s “attraction marketing?” It’s going where the fish are instead of expecting them to come to you. It’s “relationship marketing,” meaning relationships first and business second. It’s the revolution taking place on the Internet. Web 2.0 is rapidly replacing Web 1.0. Those who choose to get on board early have a “first mover’s advantage.”
Social Marketing areas include Blogging, Social Networking sites (e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn), Video Sharing, Podcasts, Photo Sharing, Content Sharing sites, Bookmarking sites, and much more. For Facebook alone, it’s estimated there will be 200 million Facebook users by the end of 2008 and that number is increasing by 250,000 people per day.
UNCOMMON Social Marketing (Web 2.0)
A Very Special 5 Week Series To Help YOU Break Through
Week #2 – Blogging and Email Marketing
Title: “How To Create Massive Visability So More Clients Call YOU!”
Host: Dr. Randy Peck
Guest Experts: Denise Wakeman and Patsi Krakoff (a.k.a. The Blog Squad)
Date and Time: Thursday, October 9, 2008, 7:30 – 8:30 pm Eastern Standard Time
Registration Fee: FREE
Description: Want to learn how a professional blog can help you create expertise and credibility on the Web? Then learn from the best! Denise Wakeman and Patsi Krakoff (a.k.a. the Blog Squad) are two of the most successful business bloggers and networkers in the world. They know what works, why it works, and how to profit greatly using blogs along with other types of Social Media.
We’re sorry, but you already missed this Week 2 Life-Changing Webinar

Week #3 Topics: Content Sharing, Bookmarking, and Renegade University
Host: Dr. Randy Peck
Guest Expert: Mike Klingler (Founder of Renegade University)
Date and Time: Thursday, October 16, 2008, 7:30 – 8:30 pm Eastern Standard Time
Registration Fee: FREE
Description: Are you feeling overwhelmed with so much to learn about Social Marketing and so little time to do it? Are you wondering where to begin and how to get started?
Mike Klingler has your answers at Renegade University. He teaches YOU Attraction Marketing step by step. His proven system with archived online training videos works for novices up to experts.
After compiling hundreds of success stories in just 18 months, Mike now has several thousand faithful subscribers to his weekly webinars and online training. Learn from the best to be all you can be!
Note: It’s not necessary to have partipated in one of our earlier webinars to participate in this one. By registering, you will receive a link to the recorded video (webinar) even if you are unavailable to attend.
Register NOW for our Week 3 Life-Changing Webinar

Week #4 Topics: Facebook and Twitter
Co-Hosts: Dr. Randy Peck and Georgia Willis Fauber
Guest Expert: Mari Smith (Pied Piper of Facebook and Online Marketing)
Date and Time: Thursday, October 23, 2008, 7:30 – 8:30 pm Eastern Standard Time
Registration Fee: FREE
Description: Are you using Facebook strategically to grow your busines? If not, you’re missing out on big-time profits. As a Relationship Marketing Specialist and Facebook Business Coach, Mari Smith will share what she knows. And she’s the expert.
Facebook is the #1 Social Network. According to Fast Company, Mari is the "pied piper of online marketing," She says "People do business with people they know, like, and trust." So, learn from the best to be all you can be.
Register NOW for our Week 4 Life-Changing Webinar

Week #5 Topics: LinkedIn, Podcasts, Video Sharing, Photo Sharing, 360 Hubs
Co-Hosts: Dr. Randy Peck and Georgia Willis Fauber
Guest Experts: Greg Troxell and Tony Ferraro (Founder of 360 Hubs)
Date and Time: Thursday, October 30, 2008, 7:30 – 8:30 pm Eastern Standard Time
Registration Fee: FREE
Description: Are you using LinkedIn, Podcasts, Video Sharing, and Photo Sharing to their full potential? Do you even know what those are? Are you wondering what "360 Hubs" is and how that might help you or your organization?
Let our team of experts show you some key strategies to get on the fast track to success. Learn from the best to be all you can be!
Tony Ferraro, founder of 360 Hubs, will show how his "New Web 2.0-Based Platform Combines Social Networking, Online Collaboration, Knowledge Asset Management and Web Content Management — All Into a Single, Secure, Turnkey Business Collaboration Solution."
Register NOW for our Week 5 Life-Changing Webinar

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